Faculty News

New York Times Logo Anastas Reviews "Falling" in the New York Times

Faculty member in literature Benjamin Anastas reviews Elisha Cooper's memoir Falling: A Daughter, a Father, and a Journey Back, an account of the author's daughter's struggle with cancer, for The New York Times.

Jon Isherwood's "Sotol Duet" Isherwood's "Sotol Duet" Recognized as Outstanding Public Art Project

Jon Isherwood’s “Sotol Duet” has been recognized  by Americans for the Arts Public Art Network (PAN) Year in Review which annually recognizes outstanding public art projects that represent the most compelling work for the year from across the country.

Apollo magazine reviews 'Dream States' at The Met Apollo Magazine on Deschenes at The Met

"Dream States," an exhibition of photography at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art until 30 October, includes faculty member Liz Deschenes' work.

Molly and Dina Janis Janis Interviewed in MVT

Dina Janis, theatre faculty member and the artistic director of the Dorset Theatre Festival for the past six years, was interviewed in Manchester Vermont's website about her work reversing the fortunes of the formerly declining theatre. 

Quiet Giant img The Quiet Giant

A glimpse into the two major solo exhibitions mounted by faculty member Liz Deschenes