Faculty News

Rio Olympics logo Ibarra Collaborates at Rio Olympics

Musician and faculty member Susie Ibarra is working with David Hertz, a Brazilian chef and a World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader, around the launch of Refettorio Gastromotiva, a food and cultural center that will repurpose 12 tons of food from the Olympics to turn it into nutritious meals for the neediest of Rio.

Gover Reviews Stiles Gover Reviews Stiles

"Surviving a traumatic event isn’t a prerequisite for making great artworks" says K. E. Gover of Kristine Stiles' Concerning Consequences: Studies in Art, Destruction, and Trauma, which was published in May 2016 by the University of Chicago Press. 

Artist Boss Book Cover Isherwood Contributes to Book on Anthony Caro

Faculty member in sculpture Jon Isherwood is featured in the new book Artist Boss: Anthony Caro's Studio Assistants and Issues of Legacy in British Sculpture, published by Wunderkammer Press. The book looks at the life and work of Sir Anthony Caro, who was a faculty member at Bennington College in the 1960s.

Engagement: Philosophy and Dance Shipman '17 and Gover to Present at Philosophy and Dance Conference

Antony Shipman ‘17 and faculty member in philosophy Karen Gover will present a panel at the symposium “Engagement: Philosophy and Dance” at Texas State University in San Marcos on September 8-10. 

Isherwood at the marble quarry Isherwood Spearheads Art and Technology Collaboration

This summer, faculty member Jon Isherwood once again spearheaded a collaboration between the Digital Stone Project and Garfagnana Innovazione in Tuscany, focused on bridging the gap between art and technology. This is the fourth such collaboration between Isherwood and students from Bennington College, the Digital Stone Project, and the Italian incubator for the artisanal stone industry.