Faculty News

Pal Wins Prestigious Huntington Fellowship Pal Wins Fellowship

History faculty member Carol Pal has been named next year's Dibner Fellow in the History of Science at the renowned Huntington Library in California. During her year at the Huntington, Carol will be working on her second monograph, Transient Technologies. Her first book, Republic of Women, will be published in May by Cambridge University Press.

Susie Ibarra performing at the London Olympics 2012 Ibarra Performs at Olympic Festival

Bennington music faculty member Susie Ibarra joined leading musicians from all 204 Olympic nations for a two-day music festival celebrating the opening of the 2012 Summer Games in London.

Carol Pal Pal Publishes Debut Book

History faculty member Carol Pal’s debut book, Republic of Women—released this month by the Cambridge University Press—tells the story of a transnational network of female scholars who were active members of the 17th-century republic of letters, and demonstrates that this intellectual commonwealth was a much more eclectic and diverse assemblage than had previously been assumed.

Ann Pibal's work Pibal in NYC Group Exhibition

Visual arts faculty member Ann Pibal’s small-scale paintings are on view in a group exhibition at Sikkenma Jenkins & Co Gallery on West 22nd St., New York.

Art Institute of Chicago Deschenes Exhibit at Art Institute of Chicago

Photography faculty member Liz Deschenes has collaborated with Austrian photographer Florian Pumhösl on an exhibition currently on view at the Art Institute of Chicago. The exhibition, Parcours—a French word for “route”— is inspired from an unrealized exhibition proposal of the 1930s by Austrian-born Bauhaus designer Herbert Bayer, according to the museum.