College News

Art New England Art New England Artist Talk Schedule

Art New England Workshops, a program of Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston, runs three weeks of workshops for visual artists every summer at Bennington College.

Doing Science at Bennington "A Bennington Education is an Education in the Real" (Summer 2015)

"A Bennington education is an education in the real." These were the words of class speaker Parke Haskell ’15 to her fellow graduates at this year’s commencement. “We don't ask questions that already have answers,” she continued. “We are encouraged to reach beyond the realm of the ascertained, to take risks and leap into the very scary real, where we do not know at all what will happen, where questions only engender more questions, where nothing has a name. This is why I believe that a Bennington education is the most terrifying and gratifying one in the world.”

Image of Paul Feeley Painting Studio Named in Honor of Feeley

Today, Bennington College dedicated the Paul Feeley Painting Studio, in honor of the painter who served on the Bennington faculty from 1939 until his death in 1965 and who, in his career as an artist, was a central figure in the U.S. postwar avant-garde.

Gloria Steinem at Commencement 2015 Gloria Steinem Addresses Graduating Class

In a speech that tackled sexism, racism, organized religion, and the wisdom of condescending turtles, Gloria Steinem shared what she called "10 pieces of advice" at Friday's commencement dinner for graduates and their families.

Image of Gloria Steinem at Commencement 2015 Steinem's Commencement Address

Gloria Steinem spoke to the graduates of the Class of 2015