College News

Utopia is No Place Reviewed in ArtFCity Utopia is No Place in ArtFCity

Rea McNamara discusses Utopia is No Place, an exhibition on feminist praxis shown this spring at Usdan Gallery, in the online art magazine ArtFCity. The exhibition included a pop-up module course co-taught by visiting curator Jacqueline Mabey and visual arts faculty member Robert Ransick.

'Utopia is No Place, Utopia is Process', an exhibition at Usdan Gallery Utopia Is No Place, Utopia Is Process opens

Utopia Is No Place, Utopia Is Process, an exhibition that will transform Usdan Gallery into a space for critical feminist pedagogy, is on view until May 12. Inspired by Bennington’s experimental curricula and its history as a women’s college, the project features a selection of video art, a site-specific installation by Ella Dawn McGeough, a D.I.Y. printing press, and an important work by the pioneering artist Lorraine O’Grady.

Bennington College barn Messages to the College Community Regarding PFOA

A collection of updates to the community regarding North Bennington water supply.

Mariko Silver contributes chapter to book about Women in the Academy President Silver on Women in the Academy

President Silver contributed a chapter to "Women in the Academy: Learning from our diverse career pathways" (Lexington Books, April 2016), edited by Nichola D. Gutgold and Angela R. Linse.

3D Digital: Here and Now Opens at the Bennington Museum Collaboration with Bennington Museum: 3D Digital

Co-organized by faculty member Jon Isherwood and Bennington Museum curator Jamie Franklin, 3D Digital: Here and Now is a collaboration between Bennington College and the Bennington Museum that highlights artists, designers, and manufacturers whose work exploits the potential of new technologies to push material practice. The exhibition runs through June 15.