Student News

Donald Trump Hamilton ’18 Op-Ed: What Good in Body-Shaming a Body-Shamer?

Sarah Hamilton ’18 penned an op-ed in Minnesota’s Star-Tribune on the disturbing pervasiveness of body-shaming in today’s political discourse—from both sides of the aisle.

Nyasa Times Kaluah '18 Pens Op-Ed on Malawian Economy

Malawian student Khumboh Kaluah '18 wrote an op-ed in the Nyasa Times on the complex issue of his home country's transition to a less cash-predominant economy.

Bill Scully hydropower project Led by Scully '94, Students Propose Local Hydropower Projects

Hydropower developer Bill Scully ’94 is working with Bennington students on two new power generation projects in the village of North Bennington.

Jeff Chang works with students from Bennington Designing the Future

This January, four Bennington students took part in a think tank with nine peers from Arizona State University and ten delegates from the Los Angeles-based Center for Cultural Innovation. The goal of the six-week program, conceived by Bennington College, ASU, and CCI and supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation, was to draw upon art and design thinking to radically reimagine the future of arts and culture in America.

Teresa Fazio Rolling Stone Article Marine Vet Fazio MFA ’18 on Misogyny in the Military

An essay by Marine veteran Teresa Fazio MFA ’18 in Rolling Stone magazine addresses the problem of “toxic masculinity” in military culture—which, she says, has normalized gender shaming, sexual harassment, and even assault.