Student News

Senator Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Fox Ms. Fox Goes to Washington

Writing briefings for Senator Bernie Sanders’s staff. Discussing healthcare with callers from Kansas. Crossing paths with former Vice President Joe Biden. All a normal day in the life for political science student Elizabeth Fox ’20 during her Field Work Term (FWT) internship for Senator Sanders’s office in Washington, DC.

Students at Auburn Middle School Education Across Languages

Bennington’s experiential “learning by doing philosophy” of education allows students to assemble a toolbox of skills, which in turn prepare them to not just secure a job, but also to become innovators and leaders in their chosen fields.

Notes from the Field: FWT 2018 Notes from the Field: FWT 2018

36 states. 42 countries. 6 continents. (Antarctica, we’re coming for you!) During Field Work Term 2018, Bennington students went everywhere. 

Roots and Uprooting Gabriela Yadegari '21 Roots and Uprooting: How Gabriela Yadegari '21 is Changing the Magazine Landscape

In a culture inundated with digital content, a print magazine might seem like an unusual focus for a new publication. However, Polychrome Mag., the first issue of which will be released in March, is a self-proclaimed iconoclast. Culture Editor Gabriela Yadegari ’21 is among Polychrome’s six founding collaborators, who will use the magazine to showcase creative people of color, reshaping how mainstream media and audiences view them and their work.

Asad Malik A Vision of Empathy

Asad J. Malik ’19 spoke at The Atlantic's Innovation Game event in Washington, DC, about his augmented reality documentary, Asad and Assad, which uses holograms to tell stories that portray the “wide spectrum socio-political experiences of people perceived as Muslim in the United States.”