Student News

Hack VT Hacking Education

Rohail Altaf '17 and Asad J. Malik '19 were recently awarded a $3000 prize at the Vermont Hackathon for creating an app that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve student engagement in online courses. The pair opted for general entry, rather than as a student team, in order to be able to compete in the overall pool, against agencies and tech companies.

North Bennington Train Station Student Research to Inform Local Hydroelectric Decisions

Representatives from a class gave a report to the Village Board of Trustees on Tuesday about their ongoing research to generate a feasibility study on local dams and waterway privileges. 

The Bystander, by Tim Collins "On Students' Minds"

Tim Collins spoke on WKVT in September about performing The Bystander, a one-man-show based on the bystander effect, at Bennington College. 

Dado, Nejla, Amina, Ajsa, Inas Our Way Is Peace

This summer five Bennington students from Bosnia explored the intersections between peacebuilding and theater through their work with The Center for Peacebuilding (CIM) in Sanski Most, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Now, they are bringing what they’ve learned back to Bennington. They will present their work at the Peacebuilding in Action panel on October 1 at the Center for the Advancement of Public Actions (CAPA).

Dorset Theatre Fest. Young Playwrights Competition

The winning plays from Dorset Theatre Festival’s Jean E. Miller Young Playwrights Competition, which is supported by Bennington College faculty, students, and alumni, will be performed on Wednesday, September 28, 6:30 p.m., at the Manchester Community Library.