Faculty News

Gift bags Greener Season’s Greetings

Senior fellow and visiting faculty member Judith Enck shared her tips for going green this holiday season.

Archival Afterlives Accidental Archive

Faculty member Carol Pal's chapter, "Accidental Archive: Samuel Hartlib and the Afterlife of Female Scholars," was recently published in Archival Afterlives: Life, Death, and Knowledge-Making in Early Modern British Scientific and Medical Archives.

The Nation Where Environmentalism Meets Xenophobia

The Nation interviewed faculty member John Hultgren for an article exploring the links, both historical and contemporary, between nationalism and environmentalism. 

Best Poetry of 2018 Entropy Magazine Selects Hong's Books as Best of 2018

Faculty member Anna Maria Hong's novella H&G and debut poetry collection Age of Glass have been selected for Entropy Magazine's 2018 "Best Fiction Books" and "Best Poetry Books & Poetry Collections" lists.

New York Times Authors Black Male Writers for Our Time

The New York Times honored the work of faculty member Phillip B. Williams and Poetry at Bennington and Bennington Review writers Jericho Brown, Shane McCrae, Kevin Young, and Reginald McKnight in its feature on 32 American men who "are producing literature that is essential to how we understand our country and its place in the world right now."