Faculty News

Image of face masks MacPike's Masks for Bennington Students

Technical Instructor in Costume Production Richard MacPike is constructing face masks for Bennington students remaining on campus. Learn how to make your own.

NEA logo Feitlowitz Receives National Endowment for the Arts Literature Translation Fellowship

The National Endowment for the Arts has announced that Marguerite Feitlowitz will receive a Literature Translation Fellowship of $12,500. This Fellowship will support the translation into English of two books  by Chilean poet Ennio Moltedo.

Bookshelf A 2020 Field Work Term Reading List

While students embark on Field Work Term, an annual work-learning term during which students gain hands-on experience and test their classroom ideas in the world of work, Bennington faculty and staff offer their reading recommendations to keep everyone’s intellectual juices flowing wherever they are.

Photo of blue book shelf Giménez Smith Finalist for National Book Award

Bennington Writing Seminars faculty member Carmen Giménez Smith is a finalist for the 2019 National Book Awards in Poetry.

Photo of book cover Sustainable Printmaking

Technical Instructor in Printmaking Corinne Rhodes recently published her new instruction book, Non-toxic Century Plate Lithography Part 1, through Blurb Books.