College News

Inside Higher Ed In Praise of Pop-Ups In Praise of Pop-Ups

Inside Higher Ed wrote about Bennington’s pop-up courses, highlighting the flexibility of the model, and the breadth the pop-up courses offered by faculty members across the disciplines.

Best Kept College Secrets Bennington Is Back

Best Kept College Secrets featured a piece about Bennington's return to its "proper place" in the educational "pantheon" in the wake of a Forbes article, which labeled Bennington as one of tomorrow's hot colleges. BKCS profiles "superior institutions" that have "excellent reputation[s and are] highly regarded by those who know colleges." 

Inside Higher Ed Opinion: Title IX in the Age of Trump

In an essay in Inside Higher Ed, President Mariko Silver argues the presidential campaign has underscored that sexual harassment is widespread throughout American society, and colleges must take a similarly broad-based approach to address it.

Higher Ed The Future of Higher Education

President Mariko Silver was among the thought leaders and college presidents approached byThe Chronicle of Higher Education to weigh in on the future of higher education. 

Welch, Silver, tour downtown Welch Pledges to Support Downtown Development

The Manchester Journal reported this week on U.S. Representative Peter Welch's visit to Bennington and his support of the downtown revitalization project.