College News

Bennington College Working Together for Bennington (Winter 2016)

Bennington is the home of individualized education, but it is also a shared endeavor. We are a community of creative thinkers who are constantly generating new ideas and ways of working—together—on campus and out in the wider world. Every single day, we make the decisions, clear the spaces, and extend the invitations that allow us to build the College, collectively and collaboratively, according to our most deeply-felt principles, ideals, and aspirations.

The End of the World Statement on students’ immigration status

The following statement was issued by President Mariko Silver to the campus community recently.

Chronicle of Higher Education Silver on Building Community

In the wake of the election this November, The Chronicle of Higher Education published an opinion piece by Mariko Silver called "Learning How to Be Together." 

Bennington College Seed library Seed Library Opens

A group of students is starting a public seed-sharing library at Crossett Library, Bennington College that is free and open to the community. 

Bennington classroom President Silver Joins College Presidents in Open Letter To Trump

Bennington College President Mariko Silver joins more than 100 other college and university presidents in an open letter to President-elect Donald Trump that urges him to forcefully “condemn and work to prevent the harassment, hate, and acts of violence that are being perpetrated across our nation, sometimes in your name, which is now synonymous with our nation’s highest office.”