Student News

A Jester's Tale Bennington Students Sundance Bound with Augmented Reality Tale

This winter, a group of Bennington collaborators led by Asad J. Malik ’19 of 1RIC Studio are headed to Sundance Film Festival New Frontiers with a pioneering project poised to test the waters of a new storytelling medium. Their project is also the only New Frontiers submission helmed by undergraduates.

Letters to the Editor Beyond Plastics Activism: Letters to the Editor

Students in Judith Enck's Plastic Pollution: What Can We Do About It? course have written letters to the editor about the need to protect the environment and marine life from the growing problem of plastic pollution.

Night Herd Darham to Exhibit at Yellowstone Art Museum

Mira Darham ’19 will exhibit her work at the Yellowstone Art Museum, the largest contemporary art museum in Montana, from January 25 - March 9, 2019.

Polling Stations Elections and Onward

Bronwyn Edwards ’19 initially entered Bennington intending to study literature and pursue publishing. As her time at the College evolved, she discovered a love for theatre and used her Field Work Terms (FWT) and internships to delve into experiences at Primary Stages, New York Public Radio, the New York State Council for the Arts, and more.

Jeepers Campus Legends Abound in Jeepers!

Does a ghost roam the Visual and Performing Arts Center...or is it something even more sinister? An intrepid group of Bennington students fall into supernatural hijinks in Jeepers!, a short film directed by Miles Parsons '21.