Lizi Boyd: Stopping By The Woods – Sound + Word + Image

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Join children’s illustrator Lizi Boyd for a summer musing of Frost’s poems. Come wander Frost’s forest and listen. Perch on his old stone wall and gaze. Spread out on the grass and sketch his home, barns, and meadows. It’ll be an afternoon of sharing the place, sounds and poems of Robert Frost.
Bring along pencils, paper, brushes, paints, camera and notebook. We’ll write, draw, paint or just walk amongst Frost’s landscapes and words. An afternoon for all; little and big, young and old. Tell us your ages and we’ll make different paths. Children may see small sights; butterflies, woodland flowers, streams of sunlight. Older ones may look up and hear the trees and sketch them. Some may draw birds or stones or write down words of their own.