Environment: Related Content

Tisa Shrestha '26 studies Architecture at Bennington and supplements her Plan with coursework in Mathematics and Environmental Studies. During the 2024 Field Work Term, Shrestha worked at Local Initiatives for Biodiversity (LI-BIRD), a Nepal-based NGO that supports the sustainable management of natural resources in support of smallholder farmers.

The American writer and political activist Alice Walker said “Activism is my rent for living on the planet.” This could have been the theme for this year’s Endeavor Environmental Action Fellowship.

Mehedi Sizar '25 studies Mathematics and Computer Science at Bennington, but he also has a personal passion for protecting the environment. His experience as a 2024 Endeavor Foundation Environmental Action Fellow allowed him to return to his birthplace of Bagmara, Rajshahi, Bangladesh to work with BD Clean, the largest environmental group in Bangladesh.

A native of Washington state, Genevieve Hammatt ’26 came to Bennington with a plan to study social justice and social work but quickly realized that she could incorporate her lifelong passion for the environment into her studies.

Bennington College was on the ground in Dubai as the 28th round of UN sponsored climate negotiations got underway.

Bennington College faculty are encouraged to follow their own interests and the interests of their students as they propose their classes. As a result, classes, as many as half of which are new each term, feature topics that are always reflecting new lines of inquiry.

Bennington College announced today that it has been recognized as a top performer in sustainability by the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), ranked number three in energy on their 2022 Sustainable Campus Index (SCI).

Faculty member and cultural anthropologist David Bond has just published a new book, Negative Ecologies: Fossil Fuels and the Discovery of the Environment (University of California Press).

Faculty member and cultural anthropologist David Bond has been invited to join a new international coalition of social scientists studying climate change.

This summer, 186 Bennington students completed their annual Field Work Term, working either in-person or remotely on a variety of internships, independent study projects, professional trainings, and more.

By Soumya Rachel Shailendra
For Bennington College student William Shepard ‘21, the forest is a limitless source of fascination and information.

Ella Simon '22 is currently studying human impacts on the ocean's environment by participating in the Sea Education Association (SEA) Semester program, which has set sail for a six-week voyage from Auckland to Christchurch, New Zealand.

Bennington College has been awarded a four-year $290,000 grant from the New York-based The Endeavor Foundation to launch The Endeavor Foundation Environmental Changemaker Fellowship Program, which includes funded internships for Bennington students to work in nonprofits with a focus on environmental justice.

Students in Judith Enck's Plastic Pollution and What Students Can Do About It course have written letters to the editor about the need to protect the environment and marine life from the growing problem of plastic pollution.

Ethan Koss-Smith '21 speaks about the process of producing his debut album To Gallery a Cloud Ground.

The Nation interviewed faculty member John Hultgren for an article exploring the links, both historical and contemporary, between nationalism and environmentalism.

Kendra Ouellette '19 is currently participating in the Sea Education Association (SEA) Semester program in Marine Biodiversity & Conservation, which has set sail for a five-week voyage from Nassau, Bahamas to New York City.

The latest book from journalist, food reform advocate, and award-winning author Michael Pollan '76 will explore how mind-altering psychedelics might be used to treat depression, anxiety, and addiction.

Associate Director of Center for the Advancement of Public Action (CAPA) and Environment faculty member David Bond has been invited to become a Member of the School of Social Science at the prestigious Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) for the upcoming academic year.

Director of Bennington’s Center for the Advancement of Public Action (CAPA), Susan Sgorbati, and faculty member in the environment and Associate Director of CAPA David Bond have been named Global Affiliates at the University of Vermont’s Gund Institute for Environment.

The Bennington Banner published an op-ed by faculty member and Associate Director of the Center for the Advancement of Public Action David Bond, which gave context and concerns to the subject of the oil train now parked near residential areas in North Bennington.

John Hultgren’s Border Walls Gone Green was a finalist for the first-annual Clay Morgan Award for the Best Book in Environmental Political Theory.

The Atlantic quoted faculty member John Hultgren in an article on Trump's solar powered border wall, "Trump's Solar-Powered Border Wall Is More Than a Troll."

Nejem Rahemm '94, an Associate Professor at Emerson College, is the recipient of a 2017 Judy and Bob Huret Faculty Excellence Award.

The Oyster War by Summer Brennan '01 was named as a finalist for the Orion Book Award.

The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation held a meeting of community member and local legislators from Vermont on September 28 in at Bennington College to answer questions from the community, and communicate further information about PFOA as it unfolds.

Get to know the flora, fine art trellises, and dedicated keepers of Purple Carrot Farm, the Bennington student garden, an initiative powered by the student-run Bennington Sustainable Food Project.