Alumni News

lost girls Young MFAW '11 Publishes Debut Fiction

The Lost Girls, the debut novel of Heather Young MFAW '11, was published this summer by William Morrow. The Lost Girls, while not her first published work, is her first work of fiction. 

Book Cover Image "Flashes of Modern Life"

The Imperial Wife, by Irina Reyn MFAW '06, has received widespread critical attention and praise, including an article and interview with NPR, and a review in the Washington Post

Nitro Mountain by Lee Clay Johnson 'Nitro Mountain' Praised in New York Times

Lee Clay Johnson '07 is the author of Nitro Mountain, which was published this spring by Knopf. It has been favorably reviewed by several literary journals including Kirkus and Electric Literature and most recently, by the New York Times. 

Cannibal By Safiya Sinclair "Cannibal" Highly Anticipated

The buzz around Cannibal by Safiya Sinclair '10 continues to grow. The book, while still unpublished, has already been recognized by the Prairie Schooner Book Prize as their 2015 winner. Now, Cannibal appears Publishers Weekly's "Most Anticipated Books of Fall 2016." 

Kite and the String Image Walker MFAW '03 Interviews Mattison

Alice Mattison, award-winning author and core faculty of the MFA Program, was interviewed by Sarai Walker MFA '03 in The Center for Fiction on "looking like a writer," and her new non-fiction guide for authors, The Kite and the String.