Alumni News

Rebecca Chace Chace (MFA ’08) Earns High Praise for Latest Novel

In less than three months since being published, Rebecca Chace's new novel Leaving Rock Harbor has been named an"Editor's Choice" by The New York Times Book Review, an "Indie Notable Book" by the American Booksellers Association, and a 2010 New England Book Award finalist.

Image of Lincoln Schatz Schatz ’86's Portraits to be Displayed in Smithsonian

The Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery has selected Lincoln Schatz's 2008 commission for Esquire magazine, Portrait of the 21st Century, for inclusion in their collection. The series of 19 portraits, which includes George Clooney, Jeff Bezos, and LeBron James, will be on view through 2011 in the exhibition "Americans Now."

Bret Easton Ellis' Imperial Bedrooms Literary Icon Bret Easton Ellis ’86 Reflects on Bennington in Recent Interview

Iconic writer Bret Easton Ellis '86 was on Northeast Public Radio last week promoting his new novel Imperial Bedrooms, the sequel to his bestselling debut Less Than Zero, which, published by Vintage in 1985, launched the 21-year-old Bennington student into literary stardom.

Image of Sarah Stanbury Stanbury ’71 Wins Guggenheim

Alumna Sarah Stanbury '71 has been awarded a 2010 Guggenheim Fellowship for her ongoing work in medieval English literature. An English professor at the College of the Holy Cross, Stanbury's work examines what manmade objects in the work of Chaucer tell us about the people and period.

Image of Elizabeth Swados Swados ’73 Profiled in LA STAGE

Award-winning musician, director, and composer Elizabeth Swados '73 looked back on her Bennington days in a recent LA STAGE article announcing the revival of The Good Woman of Setzuan, a play for which she composed the original score.