Reserve Information

How does it work?

To place books, ebooks, and films on reserve, follow these steps prior to the start of term.


  1. Access the reserve request form here: Crossett Library Reserve List
  2. Choose "File—>Make a Copy", which will copy the document to your own Google Drive.
  3. Fill out the form.
  4. Choose "Share" and share with Kathy Williams,

Alternatively, you can email Kathy Williams (x4605) with your reserve list. Additions will be accepted throughout each term

Aside from the material, please note the following information:

  • The name of your course
  • If you are placing your own personal items on reserve, please note whether they may be checked out of the library for overnight use.
  • Please specify if a particular edition is needed.

We will attempt to process reserve requests within two business days. Reserve requests received after 4:30 pm Fridays will not be processed until 8:30 am on the following Monday, or next business day. We will attempt to process, but cannot guarantee, rush or same-day reserve requests.

If two or more faculty members request the same item for reserve, the item will appear under both course listings and faculty will be notified of the shared item. If sharing between classes becomes impossible due to coinciding course work due dates, or for some other reason, a second copy may be purchased; this will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can and cannot be placed on reserve?

Below is a sampling of what can be placed on reserve. If you are unsure of the suitability of an item, please contact Kathy x4605.

  • Any circulating Crossett Library item (books, videos, DVDs, etc.)
  • Material in the public domain (census data, governmental documents, works for which copyright has expired, etc.)
  • Your syllabi, problem solutions, etc.
  • Personal copies of books or films.
  • Articles, poems, or book chapter(s) that meet fair use guidelines. The library staff determines fair use based on Section 107 of the Copyright Law. All electronic material must include a notice of copyright.
  • Papers written by your students for class-wide review.
  • Any material for which you have obtained permission from the copyright owner or through the Copyright Clearance Center.

Below is a sampling of what cannot be placed on reserve. If you are unsure of the suitability of an item, please contact Kathy x4605.

  • Items ordered through Interlibrary Loan.
  • Copies of a complete book or a substantial portion of or "heart" of a copyrighted work.
  • “Consumable” publications, such as standardized tests, workbooks, or exercises.
  • Certain non-circulating items from Crossett Library, such as bound journals and Special Collections materials (exceptions made on a case-by-case basis).
How do students access my reserve items?

Students access course reserve listings using the library website. They can link to e-reserves or check out physical items at the circulation desk. Students may check out one reserve item at a time. Reserve books can be checked out for 2 hours (reserve films for 4 hours) and must remain in the library.

Sometimes more than one item can be checked out at a time, or for an extended period of time. If you would like this option made available to a particular student, contact Kathy Williams x4605.

A reserve item may be checked out overnight one hour before the library closes. Overnight loans are due no later than one half-hour after the library opens the following day. Overdue fines are charged on an hourly basis.

Can I check out items on reserve for my own class?

You may certainly check out items on reserve. The faculty default check-out period for reserve items is 7 days but if you need it longer, just ask us to change the due date. It is a good idea to place items on reserve, such as films, if you know you will need to show them during a specific class date. If, after the showing, the item no longer needs to be on reserve, please tell Kathy Williams x4605 and it will be put back in circulation

How do I remove items from reserve?

Items can be removed from your reserve list and placed back in the regular circulating collection at any time during term. When term has ended, all reserve items are removed from the course lists and returned to the library shelves. All electronic files are made “inactive” when the term has ended. If you anticipate that students with end-of-term assignment extensions will need access to this material, please contact Kathy Williams x4605 as soon as possible. Personal materials are returned via campus mail if you have not already removed such items from the library. If you wish to have a copy of your class reserve list, please access it online and print it out before the end of term

How does copyright relate to reserves?

Course reserves are managed according to copyright law. Section 107 of the Copyright Law contains a list of reasons why the reproduction of a work might be considered “fair.” For academic purposes, these purposes may include criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Section 107 outlines four factors to be considered in determining whether or not a particular use is fair:

  • the purpose and character of your use
  • the nature of the copyrighted work
  • the amount and substantiality of the portion taken, and
  • the effect of the use upon the potential market.

Materials may be placed on reserve if Crossett Library deems the work a “fair use.” Please visit Crossett Library's Copyright on Campus LibGuide for more information.

How do I digitize material for reserve?

Follow these steps:

  1. Bring your paper copies and/or books to your coordinator.
  2. Fill out the "Fair Use Checklist" sheet (PDF)—available from your coordinator—for each article or chapter. If necessary, your coordinator will obtain copyright permission before the material can be put on ereserve.
  3. Your coordinator will oversee the creation of the pdfs and will share them with Kathy Williams for posting online. The library requires at least 48 hours to post ereserves.
  4. You will be notified when your material is posted. You will be sent a Course Password for this class; for copyright purposes, it is essential that you share this password with students enrolled in the course only. They will need this password each time they access the material.
  5. Please review your course list to be sure everything has been included. Notify Kathy Williams x4605 if anything is missing.
  6. Depending on what type of copyright permission was granted at first use, you may or may not be able to reuse these articles/chapters in subsequent terms. Please see your coordinator for more information.