Image of students outside doing artwork Prototyping the Future

Visionary and futurist Divine Bradley MFA ’22 turned his passion for reimagining and transforming education into an immersive learning experience for the Bennington community.

By Halley Le '25

GAD logo David Bond Awarded the New Directions Prize

David Bond has been awarded the New Directions Prize by the American Anthropological Association (AAA).

inside higher ed logo Advancing Afghan Higher Education

Faculty member Noah Coburn, along with Abdul Khabir Saber and Malvika Dang '24, shared what they learned about teaching students from and about Afghanistan despite Taliban restrictions that have stifled education in the country.

spectrum news ny1 logo Enck Discusses Supreme Court Ruling, Cryptocurrency Mining

Senior fellow and visiting faculty member Beyond Plastics president Judith Enck was featured on Spectrum News NY1 to discuss the recent Supreme Court ruling that limited the EPA's ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate social science network logo David Bond Joins New Coalition for Climate Change

Faculty member and cultural anthropologist David Bond has been invited to join a new international coalition of social scientists studying climate change.