Class of 2024: Related Content

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On Saturday, June 1, 2024, 122 members of Bennington College’s Class of 2024 gathered, along with their family members and friends, faculty, staff, and leadership on a green expanse of lawn at the southern end of campus to receive their degrees.

On May 31 and June 1, Bennington College will celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2024 at the 89th Commencement. Learn more about graduate outcomes across the years.

On Monday, May 20, 2024, eight seniors presented their SCT theses.

During most ceramics classes, the pieces students make are theirs to do with what they like. They keep them or give them to family and friends. Students in Anina Major’s Kilns and Firing Techniques in the Fall of 2023 had other plans. Each student crafted four mugs that they donated to Roz’s, the Bennington College cafe, this term.

In honor of the celebration of Ramadan, Ahmed Shuwehdi ’25 and Muhammad Ammar ’24, co-leaders of the Muslim Student Association, asked Muslim students to respond to the prompt, "What has Ramadan felt like for you at home, and how does it feel at Bennington?” and answered the prompt themselves. The responses reveal longing, nostalgia, and an appreciation for the community at Bennington.

Senior projects in music

Bennington College is pleased to announce that poet and memoirist Safiya Sinclair ’10 will address the class of 2024 at Commencement.

By Gaurav Aung ’24

Bennington College was Florence Gill ’22’s destination long before they knew it existed. Born and raised in Doncaster, England, they had no idea attending college in the United States was an option. After finishing their General Certificate of Secondary Education (roughly the British equivalent of an American high school diploma), they were on a path that would lead them to a strict education at a university in the United Kingdom, yet they found themself at a crossroads: they wanted the depth of a specialized undergraduate degree but also the breadth of study that couldn’t be found in the UK.

35 Bennington students have been selected for paid fellowship opportunities during the 2024 Field Work Term.

On the final Wednesday of the fall 2023 term, students in faculty member Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie’s How to Build a Forest course prepared to present their final projects. 

Shlesha Pradhan '24, from Kathmandu, Nepal, has always been interested in science, particularly in Biology. While in high school, her initial plan was to enter the field of medicine; however, her perspective shifted when she took a volunteer role at a rehabilitation center.

On Tuesday, December 5, 2023, thirteen seniors presented their SCT theses. 

Bennington College was on the ground in Dubai as the 28th round of UN sponsored climate negotiations got underway.

Sawyer London ’24 is a senior from Arlington, Virginia. With a lifelong interest in ceramics and high school internships in the fashion industry, he was certain that he was going to end up at Parsons School of Design or Pratt Institute, both in New York City. But his family and college counselors encouraged him to apply to a few schools outside of the city too.

The Frankenthaler Fellowship, also known as Museum Fellows Term, is an extension of Bennington College’s Field Work Term. Beginning with Field Work Term and ending with the close of the Spring term, the program gives a small group of students who are interested in the art world—regardless of their area of study—the opportunity to live, work, and study in New York City for 20 weeks.

Museum fellows in a group shot
Program Director Elizabeth White, Sophia Paez '23, Ahmed Amar ‘24, Gaurav Aung ‘24, Julia Henck ‘24, Daisy Billington ‘24, and Elizabeth Smith, Executive Director of the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation, at the foundation, in front of artwork by Helen Frankenthaler ‘49

On the afternoon before the international students’ farewell party and his departure for his home in the vast metropolis of Osaka in Japan, Ryota Terashima ’24 met us for an interview on the patio in front of Commons.

When Karina Gonzalez Perez ’25 returned to campus this past fall, she approached Assistant Director of Student Engagement Jack de Loos ’22 about getting the long running co-ed soccer club off to a good start. Little did she know that de Loos already had a plan underway.

Alma Reiss Navarre ’24 is from Harlem. They had ballet instruction from the time they could walk and were on track to join a professional dance company when the pandemic struck and canceled performances for the foreseeable future.

From her role at the Dia Art Foundation, Meagan Mattingly ’00 combines her interests in the arts, education, and public engagement.

A dark comedy about the corporate hijacking of the U.S. Constitution

The drive to connect and make food more accessible during Field Work Term inspired students and faculty to reimagine and expand a pandemic-era program with BIPOC students in mind. 

Bennington’s Women in Data Science Datathon introduced students to computer science and datathons to expand experience, create community, and build excitement for their upcoming virtual conference.

The Social Kitchen in the Student Center hosted a traditional Pakistani dinner on January 14 with Ayesha Attique as a special guest.

By Paige Colby '25

43 Bennington students have been selected for paid fellowship opportunities during the 2023 Field Work Term.

Mohammad Tanvir Anjum ’25 spoke to On Campus Reporter Halley Le ’25 about the mission and journey of Bennington’s newly-established Student Council.

Bennington College students testified to the Town of Bennington Select Board about the scourge of oil trains parked in the community.

How does the fat distribution and aging process in fruit flies illuminate how the human body functions? Tom Evans ’24 dove into this question at a pathology research lab in the University of Washington (UW) during the Summer 2022 Field Work Term (FWT).

By Halley Le '25

Visionary and futurist Divine Bradley MFA ’22 turned his passion for reimagining and transforming education into an immersive learning experience for the Bennington community.

By Halley Le '25

Multidisciplinary artist Tigre Mashaal-Lively '08 has been featured in the Santa Fe Reporter, along with intern Sophia Paez '24, to discuss their latest project, Facing the Fearbeast.

Faculty member Noah Coburn, along with Abdul Khabir Saber and Malvika Dang '24, shared what they learned about teaching students from and about Afghanistan despite Taliban restrictions that have stifled education in the country.