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Hydropower developer Bill Scully ’94 is working with Bennington students on two new power generation projects in the village of North Bennington.

This January, four Bennington students took part in a think tank with nine peers from Arizona State University and ten delegates from the Los Angeles-based Center for Cultural Innovation. The goal of the six-week program, conceived by Bennington College, ASU, and CCI and supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation, was to draw upon art and design thinking to radically reimagine the future of arts and culture in America.

As they do every Field Work Term, Bennington students fanned out all over the country and the world to test and deepen their knowledge in the field. This year, 598 students worked at 497 organizations in 30 states and 35 countries. They did their work with the help of a network of Bennington alumni and families who support them by offering jobs, mentoring, convincing their employers to take them on, and offering housing at low or no cost.

On Saturday, November 12, 21 Bennington students and 3 Bennington staff weatherized five homes in North Bennington and the Town of Bennington as part of Winter Blitz.

The Yellowstone Art Museum (YAM) in Billings, Montana, will exhibit a woodblock print by Mira Darham '19.

A group of students is starting a public seed-sharing library at Crossett Library, Bennington College that is free and open to the community. 

In a partnership with the Vermont Arts Exchange (VAE), In Short, the Minor opens at the North Bennington Train Depot and runs through the weekend.

Last month, Buzzfeed published a memoir-style essay by Chandra Ganguly MFAW '18 called "How They Killed My Grandmother." 

Rohail Altaf '17 and Asad J. Malik '19 were recently awarded a $3000 prize at the Vermont Hackathon for creating an app that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve student engagement in online courses. The pair opted for general entry, rather than as a student team, in order to be able to compete in the overall pool, against agencies and tech companies.

Representatives from a class gave a report to the Village Board of Trustees on Tuesday about their ongoing research to generate a feasibility study on local dams and waterway privileges. 

The winning plays from Dorset Theatre Festival’s Jean E. Miller Young Playwrights Competition, which is supported by Bennington College faculty, students, and alumni, will be performed on Wednesday, September 28, 6:30 p.m., at the Manchester Community Library. 

Antony Shipman ‘17 and faculty member in philosophy Karen Gover will present a panel at the symposium “Engagement: Philosophy and Dance” at Texas State University in San Marcos on September 8-10. 

This summer, faculty member Jon Isherwood once again spearheaded a collaboration between the Digital Stone Project and Garfagnana Innovazione in Tuscany, focused on bridging the gap between art and technology. This is the fourth such collaboration between Isherwood and students from Bennington College, the Digital Stone Project, and the Italian incubator for the artisanal stone industry.

Two students were recently awarded the first two Fund for North Bennington College and Community Collaboration grants, which are intended to increase community benefits between the College and the Village of North Bennington.

There will be an exhibition of student work on view, "Connecting Through Place: The Future of a New England Mill Town," at the Left Bank Gallery in North Bennington. Bennington faculty and students used the town and landscape of Bennington as a vehicle to understand connections between the biophysical world, societal issues, and history. The College was awarded a National Science Foundation grant in 2012 in support of a three-year curricular project aimed at exploring sustainable futures for former mill towns in New England.

Co-organized by faculty member Jon Isherwood and Bennington Museum curator Jamie Franklin, 3D Digital: Here and Now is a collaboration between Bennington College and the Bennington Museum that highlights artists, designers, and manufacturers whose work exploits the potential of new technologies to push material practice. The exhibition runs through June 15.

Asad Malik ’19 began his Field Work Term in Libya and finished it in Silicon Valley, all in pursuit of his goal to effect social change through technology.

Students make news for their FWT jobs at cultural institutions: Carling Berkhout ’19 in The Manchester Journal about the Smithsonian Institution’s Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Sarah Jack ’17 in the Bennington Banner about Hubbard Hall in Cambridge, NY, and Sam Wood ’19 in the Cape Cod Times about the Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theatre.

Field Work Term is Bennington College's annual work-learning term during which students gain hands-on experience and test their classroom ideas in the world of work.

This photo contest brings those experiences  to life. Students use #FieldWorkTerm to share photos of themselves making, working, and learning to tell the story of their unique work exploration over Field Work Term.