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NAACP President and CEO Cornell William Brooks will address the class of 2017 at Bennington College’s 82nd commencement dinner on Friday, June 2nd, at 7:00 pm on Commons Lawn.

President Mariko Silver spoke with Psychology Today about some of the gender-based challenges still facing female leaders today despite the increasing representation of women in leadership roles. 

On Monday, February 20th at 8 pm at The Pershing Square Signature Center in New York City, Bennington College, in association with The 24 Hour Plays, will present The 24 Hour Plays®: A Bennington Tribute to Spencer Cox. This one night–only event will take place at The Romulus Linney Courtyard Theatre and will bring together Bennington College alumni and friends—including Emmy, Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild, and Obie winners and nominees—to write, cast, rehearse, and present six one-act plays within a 24-hour period. Ticket sales and donations will benefit the Spencer Cox ’90 Scholarship for student activists at Bennington College.

Today, President Mariko Silver sent the following memo to the Bennington community.

President Silver published an essay about student expectations that protests will be part of their college experience, and the role of educators in helping them learn how to effect change.

The Philadelphia Inquirer published an article about the role of college presidents in the age of Trump that featured Mariko Silver. 

Bennington is the home of individualized education, but it is also a shared endeavor. We are a community of creative thinkers who are constantly generating new ideas and ways of working—together—on campus and out in the wider world. Every single day, we make the decisions, clear the spaces, and extend the invitations that allow us to build the College, collectively and collaboratively, according to our most deeply-felt principles, ideals, and aspirations.

The following statement was issued by President Mariko Silver to the campus community recently.

In the wake of the election this November, The Chronicle of Higher Education published an opinion piece by Mariko Silver called "Learning How to Be Together." 

A group of students is starting a public seed-sharing library at Crossett Library, Bennington College that is free and open to the community. 

Bennington College President Mariko Silver joins more than 100 other college and university presidents in an open letter to President-elect Donald Trump that urges him to forcefully “condemn and work to prevent the harassment, hate, and acts of violence that are being perpetrated across our nation, sometimes in your name, which is now synonymous with our nation’s highest office.”

Inside Higher Ed wrote about Bennington’s pop-up courses, highlighting the flexibility of the model, and the breadth the pop-up courses offered by faculty members across the disciplines.

Best Kept College Secrets featured a piece about Bennington's return to its "proper place" in the educational "pantheon" in the wake of a Forbes article, which labeled Bennington as one of tomorrow's hot colleges. BKCS profiles "superior institutions" that have "excellent reputation[s and are] highly regarded by those who know colleges." 

In an essay in Inside Higher Ed, President Mariko Silver argues the presidential campaign has underscored that sexual harassment is widespread throughout American society, and colleges must take a similarly broad-based approach to address it.

President Mariko Silver was among the thought leaders and college presidents approached byThe Chronicle of Higher Education to weigh in on the future of higher education. 

Mariko Silver is a featured guest speaker at the Liberal Arts Imperative in the Digital Age: A Higher Education Summit hosted by Northeastern University and the Association of American Colleges and Universities. The two-day summit aims to "convene leading thinkers on higher education to explore [the] proposition: the liberal arts matter more than ever in the 21st century, and they matter for everyone." Silver will be participating in two panels, "Integrating the Liberal Arts & Experiential Learning at Home and Abroad," and "The Liberal Arts Imperative, STEM, and Professional Education."


Following on the heels of a mention in the Princeton Review, Bennington College was featured in a MSN Lifestyle list of "the best college dorms in America." 

"A tour of the United States through books" on Electric Lit features The Secret History by Donna Tartt '86 as the recommended book for the state of Vermont. MFA faculty member Alexander Chee's novel Edinburgh represents the state of Maine. 

Twenty-six designs for a restaurant at the Peninsula Hotel in Beijing, developed by Bennington students, staff, and faculty, will be featured in an exhibition at the Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) at the end of this month, with a simultaneous exhibit in the Gllery at the hotel. 

Tim Collins spoke on WKVT in September about performing The Bystander, a one-man-show based on the bystander effect, at Bennington College. 

This summer five Bennington students from Bosnia explored the intersections between peacebuilding and theater through their work with The Center for Peacebuilding (CIM) in Sanski Most, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Now, they are bringing what they’ve learned back to Bennington. They will present their work at the Peacebuilding in Action panel on October 1 at the Center for the Advancement of Public Actions (CAPA).

Yoko Inoue's class addresses issues of hunger in the town of Bennington through public action, and fosters a new environment in which community between residents and students can develop. 

The Princeton Review released its ranking for the top 381 colleges in America, and Bennington scored big in several categories. Bennington was also selected to appear in Princeton's 2017 Best Northeastern Colleges List, which includes the schools that it considers "academically outstanding and well worth consideration in your college search," as well as in their "Green Schools" list.

Bennington's Prison Education Initiative (PEI) was the subject of a recent article in the Post Star. The article spoke highly of the initiative's positive results on the lives and prospects of the inmates that participate in the program.

The Rumpus published a piece on The Bennington Review in their "This Week in Short Fiction" section. The article had only good things to say about the newly revived magazine, and especially praised their choice to include "The Pariah and I" by Porochista Khakpoor, as well as  the journal's inclusive mission statement. 

Bennington was one of three colleges in a Forbes feature about colleges that are about to be hot under bold, entrepreneurial leadership.

The Department of Education announced today that Bennington College was among the colleges and universities selected from a competitive national pool to participate in the Second Chance Pell pilot program.

A consortium of local business leaders, institutions, and civic-minded investors, including Bennington College, announced a plan to transform the block of historic buildings at the Four Corners of Bennington, VT into a vibrant, mixed use downtown space with offices, in-town living, restaurants and retail.  

Mariko Silver, president of Bennington College, has been elected to serve a three-year term on the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), beginning July 1.

In an essay in Inside Higher Ed, President Silver examines the intersection of sex, gender, power and policy in the workplace. This article has been adapted from her chapter in Women in the Academy: Learning From Our Diverse Career Pathways, published by Lexington Books.