Cultural Studies and Languages: Related Content

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Image of Rosario de Swanson
Former Faculty

Rosario M. de Swanson combines creative writing with scholarly research. Her work centers on Women writers from Latin America, the literature of Equatorial Guinea, and Afro-Latin American Writers.

Jeff Peer

Fulbright fellow who studies a form of 20th-century Mexican literary journalism, crónica urbana. Ph.D. Candidate in Comparative Literature at The Graduate Center of CUNY.

Image of Sophie Brunau-Zaragoza
Former Faculty

Sophie Brunau-Zaragoza is a professor of French language, cultures, and literatures. Her research brings together contemporary French literature and environmental activism through questions of relation, matter, community, and the human.

Sui Duan
Former Faculty

Sui Duan has taught language and culture in colleges in China and the United States. His most recent research focuses on Chinese beliefs and philosophy by examining Chinese arts and literature. He writes poems and stories.

Image of Leah Pappas
Former Faculty

Leah Pappas is a documentary linguist who collaborates with language communities in Indonesia. She researches language and gesture to understand how socially-mediated interaction with the environment results in linguistic diversity.