Why Should the Younger Generation Read Robert Frost?

Robert Bernard Hass
Saturday, Oct 15 2022, 7:00 PM - 8:15 AM, Robert Frost Stone House Museum
Robert Frost Stone House Museum

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Please join us for an evening with Robert Bernard Hass, Poet, Robert Frost Scholar, and Director of the Robert Frost Society. 

The poetry of Robert Frost, though in no way substituting for the miracles of modern medicine, can provide readers with a measure of solace. In addition to the sheer beauty of his poetry, Frost’s emphasis upon an immersion in nature, his belief in the stabilizing influences of family and community, his insistence upon courage (sometimes “the best way out is through”), his demonstration in his poetry of cognitive behavioral therapy, and his pragmatic belief that poetry can provide one with a “momentary stay against confusion” combine to provide young readers at least a partial antidote to the turmoil of their lives.