Hugh Crowl

Image of Hugh Crowl

The work of astronomer Hugh Crowl addresses questions of how the massive collections of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter that we call galaxies assemble. How do galaxies form and evolve? Specifically, how do environmental conditions such as the flow of gas in and out of galaxies affect that process?


Crowl is an observational astronomer interested in the role that environment plays in the formation, growth, and evolution of galaxies. In particular, he is interested in how gas gets in and out of galaxies and how the flow of gas affects star formation rates. His recent work focuses on environmentally driven galaxy evolution in the nearby Virgo Cluster of galaxies. He utilizes both space-based observatories—the GALEX, Spitzer, and Hubble space telescopes—and ground-based observatories, including the EVLA, WIYN, and Keck telescopes. Additionally, Crowl uses theoretical stellar evolution models to understand the changes in populations of stars. His research has been published in The Astronomical Journal and The Astrophysical Journal, and he has received grants from NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute. BA, Wesleyan University; MS, MPhil, PhD, Yale University; postdoctoral work, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Hampshire College, Columbia University. Crowl joined the Bennington faculty in Spring 2012.



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