Student News

Sunfest 2024 Sunfest: For Students and By Students

The students behind Bennington’s favorite event

Commons at Bennington College Bennington College Awards the Ben Belitt Prize for Undergraduate Writers

Winston Foundation grant funds $1,000 prizes for three students.

Image of Japan by Hugh Stoll Studying Away: Kansai Gaidai Direct Exchange

Max Harvey-Wilson ’23 had the desire to learn Japanese and study in Japan since high school.

Image of Will Parker Field Work Term Spotlight: Will Parker

Will Parker '26 studies Acting in Theater at Bennington. During the 2024 Field Work Term, Parker worked at Roundabout Theatre Company in New York City.

Image of group gathered in living room Field Work Term Spotlight: Roberta Martey

Roberta Martey ’25 studies Politics and Psychology at Bennington. She has a particular interest in Black Diasporic Studies and Environmental Advocacy and integrated her academic knowledge into a practical setting during her FWT at The Alliance of Rural Communities in Trinidad.