College News
Michael Dumanis was the faculty speaker at Convocation 2018. He charged the campus community with stretching their expectations to "swerve, and get overwhelmed and lost, and make a few discoveries along the way, and find yourself at least a little changed."
On September 4, 2018, the Bennington community gathered to celebrate the start of the academic year and welcome over 200 new first-year students to the College.
The newly relaunched Bennington Review has released its fifth issue, featuring innovative poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and film writing around the theme of “Fauna.”
As we round the corner into the new academic year at Bennington, we carry the momentum of all that our community accomplished over the past year. The feats of our students, faculty, and staff—enlivened by Bennington’s pioneering spirit—astonish year after year, as you’ll see for yourself below.
In her column for Forbes, Mariko Silver, president of Bennington College, discusses the valuable lessons students can glean from internships that go differently than they initially expected.