College News

Image of astronaut surrounded by birds Bennington Review, Issue Six: Kissing in the Future

The newly relaunched Bennington Review has released its sixth issue, featuring innovative poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and film writing around the theme of “Kissing in the Future.”

Martha Graham Museum Connections

Bennington College connections abound in the Bennington Museum's exhibition Works on Paper: A Decade of Collecting, which highlights a disparate body of works, from historic to contemporary and self-taught works, to creations by Bennington Modernists. The exhibition is on view through May 5. 

FLoW Student to Student Mentorship Program Promotes College Access

Bennington College has received a $3,000 grant from the Vermont Community Foundation’s Opportunity Fund for Southshire Youth. This award will be used to implement Student to Student, a college access mentoring program that will pair first-generation students  from Mount Anthony Union High School with first-generation Bennington College students.

Young Hacks Academy Bennington College to Host STEM Summer Program for Girls

A celebration of collaborative problem-solving and empowerment, Young Hacks Academy Team Elektra all-girls program explores how the combination of digital tools and creative expression can make a difference in the local and global community.

Art for Access Art for Access launch yields more than $3.1 million to support scholarships

The launch of Bennington College’s new Art for Access initiative has yielded more than $3.1 million to establish the College’s inaugural Art for Access scholarship fund, which will provide financial aid for talented students who otherwise would not be able to afford a Bennington education.