Alumni News
Nearly 40 Bennington College alumni artists representing the past five decades of graduates have donated artwork for a benefit exhibition and auction to support the College’s 120,000-square-foot Visual and Performing Arts Center (VAPA).
In a New York Times Magazine feature on famous writers’ rooms, Jonathan Lethem ’86 shares a view of the study in his Blue Hill, Maine, summer home, where he wrote portions of several books, including his latest, Dissident Gardens, which is due out this fall.
Sylvan Esso, a new side project of Amelia Meath ’10 (of the hugely popular Bennington trio Mountain Man) is touring this fall with Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) and Collections of Colonies of Bees, who’ve together formed the band Volcano Choir.
Mariam Shah ‘14 talks about her experience with working with clay during Field Work Term and how she gradually became comfortable with the material.
An alumni led tribute to retired faculty member and famed experimental jazz musician, Milford Graves.