Luke Taylor Senior Show

Sunday, May 8 2022, 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM, VAPA Martha Hill Dance Theater

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | RULE FOLLOWER hops across barriers and ideas and textures like an 8-foot snake thrown on a trampoline. We chase the sporadic whims of the moment in a group conversation, where everyone has opportunities to express their exhalations and grievances and exultations in a kaleidoscopic jaunt through a world of bass/drums groove and synth/sampler ethereal mist. Dancers interact with the sonic vibrations using physical improvisations, embodying musical intentions to spiritually connect the audience to the performance.

Bennington College Guest COVID Vaccination Protocol
Bennington College requires that all guests be vaccinated and have the appropriate vaccine booster. To enter into a building on campus, guests are asked to complete a visitor form—ideally 24 hours before their arrival. Visitors who have not completed this form will be asked to show their vaccination card before entering any campus buildings. Masking indoors is required in any shared spaces.