Brooder Tree Removal

Saturday, Nov 12 - Sunday, Nov 13 2016, 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Facilities Building

In preparation for the Commons renovation, which will be starting next summer, the College is relocating the Health Center to the Brooder building (between EAC and Meyer Rec Barn). The Brooder will be the permanent new home for Health and Pysch Services. This project will entail a comprehensive bottom-up renovation of the entire building to modernize the facility and increase energy efficiency. We will also be augmenting the existing building with a small addition on the north side to provide additional space for its new program. In preparation for this work, several existing trees located between the Lower Barn Lot and Brooder will be removed to make way for site and foundation work in the area of the addition. To minimize impact on use of the parking lot, this work will take place on Saturday morning, November 12. Construction on the site will be begin shortly thereafter and continue through the winter months. Please contact Holly Andersen (x4369) with any questions or concerns.