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Image of Natalie Scenters-Zapico
Former Faculty

Natalie Scenters-Zapico is a poet who holds fellowships from the Lannan Foundation and CantoMundo. 

Image of Jeanie Riess
Former Faculty

Jeanie Riess is a writer from New Orleans and is currently working on her first novel, which is about Mississippi.

Image of Zoe Tuck
Visiting Faculty

Zoe Tuck is a poet and author of the poetry collections Bedroom Vowel and Terror Matrix. Her work explores queer and trans life, and the spirituality of reading.

Image of Victoria Sammartino

Founder of Voices UnBroken, a nonprofit dedicated to giving vulnerable young people opportunity for creative self-expression.

Image of Jia Tolentino
Former Faculty

Jia Tolentino is a staff writer at The New Yorker and the author of the essay collection Trick Mirror.