Tatiana Abatemarco

Tatiana Abatemarco is an interdisciplinary scholar and educator who works in environmental humanities and sustainable food systems. She uses an ecofeminist frame to explore grassroots, holistic approaches to food justice.
Abatemarco is an interdisciplinary environmental and feminist researcher, focusing on sustainable food systems and using humanist and qualitative approaches. Her current work is on participant action research for rural food justice. She is also interested in the role of eco-arts in contributing to environmental consciousness. She received her doctorate in Natural Resources with a focus in Environmental Thought and Culture from the University of Vermont in 2011. She has a Masters of Arts in Philosophy from the University of Minnesota (2006) and a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies and Philosophy from Green Mountain College (2004). Prior to joining Bennington College, Abatemarco was a lecturer in the Environmental Program at the University of Vermont, a Scholar in Residence at Green Mountain College, and an Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at Paul Smith’s College. Her work has been published in Gender, Place & Culture and the forthcoming edited volume, Pragmatists and American Philosophical Perspectives on Resilience. Abatemarco is a Center for Whole Communities alumni (2016); has worked as a USDA grant evaluator for Adirondack Farm to School (2015-2016); and served as the President of the Board of Trustees for Northern Lights School (2015-2016). She is a founding member of the North Country Food Justice Working Group. Abatemarco was a visiting faculty member at Bennington for the 2019-2022 academic years.