Elisa Lendvay

Elisa Lendvay’s explorations in making form, color and enigmatic objects move between sculpture, painting and drawing. They present interplays among internal vision, observation of nature, and corporality to generate moments of perception, truth, and whimsey. Diverse materials are employed to consider how unlike elements can merge into something other and new. She explores the physicality of making and matter with a sense of play and discovery in the process.
Lendvay’s explorations in making form, color and enigmatic objects move between sculpture, painting and drawing. They present interplays among internal vision, observation of nature, and corporality to generate moments of perception, truth, and whimsey. Diverse materials are employed to consider how unlike elements can merge into something other and new. She explores the physicality of making and matter with a sense of play and discovery in the process.
Recent solo exhibitions have been at Jason McCoy Gallery, New York, NY and Fred Giampietro Gallery, New Haven, CT, and group exhibitions nationally and internationally. She recently moved from NYC to a farmhouse in the Hudson Valley, NY. Lendvay holds an MFA in Sculpture from Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, and a BFA from the University of Texas at Austin and Bennington College. Lendvay has been awarded honors from the Edward F. Albee Foundation, the New York Foundation of the Arts, the Santa Fe Art Institute, the Lower Manhattan Cultural Center, the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts, the Dallas Museum of Art, The University of Texas at Austin, and the Marie Walsh Art Foundation. She was a visiting faculty member at Bennington for Fall 2017 and Fall 2024.