
An Inclusive Community

We are committed to increasing access to our program for BIPOC students. We offer scholarships and increased funding options for the emerging voices we want to support and read. We listen, learn, and aim build an inclusive community through sustained dialogue and practice.

Inclusion & Equity

We listen, reflect, engage, and facilitate proactive conversations. We read books that reflect world voices.

We cultivate an antiracist and social justice reading list.

We commit to solidarity and action.

Our Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is central to our commitment. 

Vision Statement for Institutional Pluralism and Inclusion

"The College affirms the intersecting identities of all its community members—students, faculty, staff, and alumni—and recognizes their contributions to the vitality of our unique living and learning environment. The College’s approach to pluralism and inclusivity—both as fields of inquiry and practice—is to prioritize flexible thought, and to invite the examination of access, value, and power through its institutional policies and areas of study."

World Lit Café

Started and run by MFA students, World Lit Café usually takes place during the residency. Students gather and individually select works from global voices to read and then discuss their intellectual and cultural footprint in the world of letters and beyond. This can happen as a lunchtime roundtable or a separate reading at night organized by the students.