The Place of Computer Science in the Liberal Arts

Friday, Oct 4 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, Dickinson 232
Science Workshop—Fall 2024
Friday, Oct 4 2024 1:00 PM Friday, Oct 4 2024 2:00 PM America/New_York The Place of Computer Science in the Liberal Arts OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Join us for Science Workshop this week as our own Computer Science faculty member Darcy Otto, PhD speaks about "The Place of CS in the Liberal Arts." Dickinson 232 Bennington College

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Computer Science faces numerous challenges in the Liberal Arts context: offering few courses in the face of a wide-ranging subject, preparing students for work in industry or graduate study, providing a place for students to learn programming skills that support learning in other subjects, the astonishingly quick pace of technological development, etc. Factor in the noble goals of a Liberal Arts education, and the innovative pedagogical approach at Bennington College, and it becomes apparent that the Computer Science discipline is called upon to integrate diverse goals.

In this talk, we will consider the difficulties and the advantages Computer Science faces, as well as a possible approach to allow students of the subject to thrive, both in their undergraduate studies and beyond.