Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne

Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne
Wednesday, Oct 2 2024, 7:50 PM - 8:50 PM, Virtual Event
Demystifying the Art World Lecture Series
Wednesday, Oct 2 2024 7:50 PM Wednesday, Oct 2 2024 8:50 PM America/New_York Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne will speak about their artistic practices as individual artists and a collaborative team. Their work examines the shifts in behaviors, desires, language, and economics catalyzed by computational systems and the internet. Open to the Bennington College community (current students, faculty, and staff). Virtual Event Bennington College

Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne are artists whose work examines the shifts in behaviors, desires, language, and economics catalyzed by computational systems and the internet. In their collaborations they have simulated international organizations, run a real dating service in NYC, and read the entire Enron email archive. Recent works include Synthetic Messenger commissioned by STRP Festival, The New York Apartment commissioned by the Whitney Museum of American Art and The Good Life commissioned by Rhizome. They are 2023 Creative Capital awardees and their work has been widely discussed in the media, in outlets such as Art Forum, The New Yorker, Marie Claire, The Ellen Show, Art in America, The World Almanac, Slovenian Public Radio and India Today. In 2015, the United Nations filed a complaint with the United States Department of State about their work.

For more about their work, visit Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne websites.

Open to the Bennington College community (current students, faculty, and staff). Email beverlyacha@bennington.edu to register and receive the Zoom link to the lecture.