sunny day on Bennington campus with students on a green

Requirements and Submissions

About the Contest

Bennington counts hundreds of literary greats among its esteemed alumni. Now we’re looking for the next generation of writers. High school students worldwide are invited to submit poetry, fiction, or nonfiction entries for a chance to win cash, a scholarship, and prestige.

Contest Requirements

This contest is for all writers in grades 9–12, including those outside the United States. Entrants can submit three poems, a short story, or a personal or academic nonfiction essay. There is no entry fee.

Submission Categories

Please choose to enter one of the following:

  • Poetry: A group of three poems
  • Fiction: A short story (1,500 words or fewer) 
  • Nonfiction: A personal or academic essay (1,500 words or fewer)

A first, second, and third place winner is selected in each category.

We ask that participants submit in only one category and submit only one time per year. Word counts are strict and include all the text submitted, including headers, footers, footnotes, titles, and bibliographies. We are unable to return submissions.

  • All entries must be original work. Each will be checked for plagiarism. Plagiarized work will be disqualified.  
  • All must be reviewed and approved by a high school sponsor teacher. We will use your sponsoring teacher as a contact for the competition should we have any questions. For homeschooled students, please contact a mentor to sponsor your writing.

Enter your submission by the deadline of November 1. The contest opens September 1. 

Awards & Scholarships

Cash: First-place winners in each category are awarded a prize of $1,000; second-place winners receive $500; and third-place winners receive $250.

Scholarships: Young Writers Award (YWA) finalists and winners are also eligible for undergraduate scholarships at Bennington.

  • YWA winners who apply, are admitted, and enroll at Bennington will receive a $15,000 scholarship every year for four years, a total of $60,000.
  • YWA finalists who apply, are admitted, and enroll at Bennington will receive a $10,000 scholarship every year for four years, a total of $40,000.

Prestige: In addition, winning entries will be published on the Bennington College website in the spring, and may be published as a result of media requests from local newspapers or magazines. Authors retain all other copyrights.

Contact Us

For more information, email us at or fill out this form to receive updates.

Young Writers Awards FAQs

See below for frequently asked questions. 

I am at a school outside of the U.S. Can I still enter?

Absolutely! We welcome students from all over the globe to participate in the Young Writers Awards.

Is there a fee to enter?

Nope! The competition is free.

I have submitted this work previously to other awards, publications, or competitions. Can I still submit it?

We welcome simultaneous submissions.

I’m a gap year student. Can I enter?

We ask that students who participate be in grades 9th through 12th grade. Sadly, gap year students are not eligible for the competition.

Can my submission be in a language that is not English?

We have a diverse group of people who read our submissions; however, we currently accept only submissions that are written in English.

Is the word count absolute?

The word count is strict. Get your fiction or nonfiction submission down to 1,500 words. Headers, footers, footnotes, titles, and bibliographies all count.

What does “sponsoring teacher” mean?

A sponsoring teacher is someone who has worked with you, read what you’ve decided to submit, and helped you edit it. They’ve given you feedback and advice. Once you submit your work, your sponsoring teacher’s work is largely done, but we want to make sure that you’ve done this step.

Who can my sponsoring teacher be?

You don’t have to have taken a class with them, but they should know you and have worked with you in some capacity previously. Your parents don’t count (unless you’re a homeschooled student).

Do you return submissions?

No. We are unable to return submissions.

Ready to Enter?

Submit your entry for a chance to win up to $1,000 cash and a $60,000 scholarship to Bennington College, a hub of literary activity and influence.