Alex Creighton: Writing Your Own Future

Thursday, Dec 14 2023, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM, East Academic Center, Classroom 1

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Alex Creighton is an ACLS Emerging Voices Postdoctoral Fellow at U.C. Berkeley, where he is working with the Art of Writing Program to make writing courses available to students across the disciplines. His research interests include 18th-century literature and culture; studies of women, gender, and sexuality; music and literature; and animal studies. He has published essays in numerous peer-review and public-facing journals, and his first academic book, The Habits of Novels, is under consideration at Oxford University Press. He earned his PhD in English and Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality, at Harvard University in 2021; and in 2013, he earned his MFA in Creative Writing from Johns Hopkins University.