
Beethoven & Aortic Dissection



The article explored links between art, finance, law and science—the focus of the After Arts Group, of which Dr. Coady is an inaugural member. After Arts brings together professionals in business, law, finance, healthcare, and technology who are trained in the performing arts and share a belief in the transformative power of art in society. Forbes, “A gifted performer from an early age, Dr. Michael Coady has transformed his skill as a pianist into masterful precision as an open-heart surgeon. Despite the unusual challenge of transitioning from music to medical science, Dr. Coady saw medicine as an opportunity to apply his relentless pursuit of perfection toward improving the lives of others… In heart surgery especially, he found the perfect analogue to his craft as a musician: the focus, discipline, dexterity, and precision required to analyze and perform a Beethoven sonata or Rachmaninoff prelude were not so different from that needed to repair a delicate mitral valve or an aortic dissection.”