Familiarity and Surprise
Work by visiting faculty member Farhad Mirza ’12 and Katarina Burin was exhibited in Boston’s Anthony Greaney last fall.

The show received a rave review and was featured in The Boston Globe. Calling on memory for their childhood homes, Globe critics wrote, the installation “nods outward to the space …[the artists] make visual rhymes out of details from their past in the show they call a low storey between two others at Anthony Greaney. Even as rhymes ricochet about, the whole seems to eddy from the walls into the room’s center… There’s an indelible tug of nostalgia, of childhoods at the beach, but faces are impossible to read; picture gives way to color and the rhythm of the columns….The call and response is like chamber music. Every variation rouses a mixture of familiarity and surprise.” The show was also reviewed on Boston’s WBUR last November.