Lunch with the President

Thursday, Sep 21 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, Commons Dining Halls
Thursday, Sep 21 2023 12:00 PM Thursday, Sep 21 2023 1:00 PM America/New_York Lunch with the President What would you like to share with President Walker? Students are invited to join Laura at lunch—talk about what’s on your mind: classes, interests, college goals, current events…for a few minutes or an hour. Please stop by! Commons Dining Halls Bennington College

President Laura Walker will be at a table in the Commons Dining Hall from noon–1:00 pm on Thursday, September 21 (and again in October and November—dates to be announced), and would love the opportunity to talk with Bennington students. Feel free to stop by just to say a quick hello or join Laura for lunch and conversation. All topics, questions, and interests welcome.

lunch with the president flyer