Date Change -- Bulawayo to Bennington: Diasporic Rendition, Blackness as Liberty | Exhibition Opening
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | In the Bulawayo to Bennington: Diasporic Rendition, Blackness as Liberty exhibition, the artist aims to orient a visual representation of the African Diaspora within the medium of the image. This project spans 4 years of work made across continents and explores the diverse and multi-faceted nature of what it means to be a diasporan, how representation is inherently linked to identity, and whether or not any kind of return to ancestry, to home, or to the self is possible once lost.
Artist Statement: "Through portraiture, I aim to portray the black and brown body in a semiotic state of assimilation. The purpose of this exhibition is to underline and illustrate stories of people and material that exist within the liminal space of diaspora. My specific audience is intended as the Bennington College community, including with staff, campus workers, and faculty. The exhibition site is chosen for its complexity.
I believe that my message will be far more momentous in a space that has been destroyed, renovated, reborn, and remains 'inhabited'. I believe that my purpose as a diasporan is to propose an alternative perspective, to perceive "otherwise", as well as to distinguish us as a part of a homo-genius unity of souls."
**Please note that due to COVID restrictions, the exhibition opening event will now take place on May 23, 2022.**
Questions? Contact Albert Aleksanyan
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Bennington College requires that all guests be vaccinated and have the appropriate vaccine booster. To enter into a building on campus, guests are asked to complete a visitor form—ideally 24 hours before their arrival. Visitors who have not completed this form will be asked to show their vaccination card before entering any campus buildings. Masking indoors is required in any shared spaces.