Romani Weddings in Serbia: Music, Dance, and Ritual
Balkan Music Ensemble Speaker Series—Spring 2020
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Balkan Music Ensemble Speaker Series presents
Romani Weddings in Serbia: Music, Dance, and Ritual
Music Talk and Dance Workshop with Alexander Marković, Ph.D.
VIRTUAL EVENT Wednesday, May 6 at 7:00 PM To RSVP and request Zoom link, email
Alex Marković is President of The East European Folklife Center (EEFC), a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote, celebrate, and educate the public about traditional and traditionally based music, dance, and cultures of the Balkans. He holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Illinois-Chicago and spent 17 months conducting ethnographic fieldwork on Romani ethnic identity and musical performance in Vranje, Serbia, for his doctoral dissertation. His general research interests involve music, dance, and ritual in the Balkans, ethnic identity and nationalism, the anthropology of performance, and ethnomusicology.
Markovic has actively researched, performed, and taught folk dances from Serbia and Greece for the past 10 years. His specialties include Serbian music and dance traditions of southeastern Serbia and Kosovo. In addition, he is also interested in Romani dance traditions from southern Serbia, Kosovo, and Macedonia. His research in Vranje, Serbia allowed him to conduct in-depth fieldwork on dance in both the Romani and Serb communities of the area. Alex also researches and teaches a variety of Greek regional dance traditions.
As part of Bennington's Balkan Music Ensemble course, this series presents a variety of virtual talks, demonstrations and mini-concerts to enrich our understanding of music and culture in the region.
For more information, please see the Facebook Event.