Election Day: Polls Open

Election Day: Polls Open
Tuesday, Nov 6 2018, 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Off campus (see description)

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | It's Election Day! Polls are open in Bennington from 7:00 am-7:00 pm. Free shuttle provided by Campus Safety starts at 7:00 am. 

If you registered in North Bennington, your polling place is: 

Village Trustees' Office (Train Station) 
2 Depot Street
North Bennington, VT 05257

If you registered in Bennington, Vermont, you vote at the firehouse on the corner of River and Lincoln. The address is 130 River Street, Bennington, VT. 

Contact Anya Piotrowski to get your free stamp if you're voting with an absentee ballots.