Winter Blitz

Winter Blitz
Saturday, Nov 10 2018, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM, Off campus (see description)

Hundreds of students from Williams College, MCLA, and Bennington College will take part in the annual Winter Blitz day of weatherization on November 10. During their day of service, these volunteers will travel across northern Berkshire County and parts of southern Vermont to weatherize homes, free of charge to homeowners, for the upcoming winter.

Volunteers from the three colleges will go out in teams of five or six students to provide basic comfort measures such as installing window kits, door sweeps, hot water pipes, energy-efficient light bulbs, and more. All materials are paid for by the Williams College Zilkha Center for Environmental Initiatives, and each group will be led by a trained team leader. Weatherizing these homes will save money for the residents. Weatherization can save homeowners 25 to 40 percent on their heating and cooling bills and is also a great way to build connections between students and the community and contribute to our global mission of reducing energy consumption.