Fire and Life Safety Policies

STUDENT HANDBOOK: Policies and Procedures

Fires are the biggest threat to life and property safety the college community faces. Prevention and early warning are the best ways to protect life safety from fire. All students are encouraged to participate in one of the Campus Safety offered fire safety seminars. Students learn the science of fire prevention and practice using a fire extinguisher. 

The early warning system, smoke/heat/carbon dioxide detectors, fire alarm boxes, emergency exit lights, fire doors, fire extinguishers, sprinkler heads, are life saving. When any of these systems is tampered with it puts everyone at risk. If any fire protection or life safety equipment is found tampered with, which includes being covered, in a student(s)’ room a report of the activity will be made by a Campus Safety Officer and forwarded to the Director of Campus Safety for follow-up and review. 

Annually Campus Safety will conduct a fire drill in each campus house and each building on campus. Whenever a fire alarm is activated all occupants must evacuate immediately. Any person who does not evacuate when a fire alarm is activated will be referred to the Director of Campus safety.

A Daily Campus Fire Log is kept at the Campus Safety Office, documenting all incidents of fire or alarm on campus. A copy of the log may be provided within 2 business days of a written request to the Director of Campus Safety.

The following are violations of Fire and Life Safety Policies:


Prohibited Flammable Materials

Possessing and/or using flammable materials in campus housing and outdoor campus areas without written permission from the Director of Campus Safety is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: candles, heat lamps, halogen lamps, heat lamps, lamp oil, camp-stove fuel, fireworks, AC-powered holiday lights (battery operated lights are permitted), paint thinners, candles, and incense, wax burners. Smoking indoors  or within 25 feet of any entrance is a serious fire hazard and is strictly prohibited. More information regarding smoking is detailed in the College Smoking Policy.

Prohibited Decorations and Storage of Items Which Create a Fire Hazard

It is important the environment in each house and each building on campus is kept in safe condition for fire evacuation and fire prevention. All hallways, exits, and stairways must be kept free from storage or placement of any items, including, but not limited to bicycles, furniture, books, and shoes. Additionally, students should not cover more than 50% of the wall space in their assigned room or have items hanging from the ceiling.

Storage items may only be stored in a student’s assigned room or designated, assigned, and approved Student Life storage area.

Students are not permitted to cook in their rooms. All cooking must be done in the designated common kitchen area. No open flames are permitted in individual rooms  common areas, except open flames utilized in the common kitchen area for the purpose of cooking food.

Extensions Cords and Power Strips

Even everyday electrical equipment like power strips can be a safety risk when not maintained or used properly. The Electrical Safety Foundation International reports that more than 3,300 home fires originate from power strips and extension cords each year.

We care about your safety. Follow these best practices to stay safe when using power strips, surge protectors and extension cords.

Power strip

  1. Power strips, surge protectors and extension cords are not a substitute for permanent wiring.
  2. Power strips are meant for indoor use only (unless specially designed for outdoor use).
  3. Keep pets away from all electrical cords and power strips.
  4. At no time should a power strip or surge protector in your room be exposed to moisture.
  5. Power strips should be plugged into a grounded wall outlet. Do not plug a power strip into an existing surge protector, power strip or extension cord.
  6. There should only be one power strip or surge protector plugged into a double wall outlet.
  7. Only use power strips for low-voltage electronics. Overloading a power strip can create a fire hazard.
  8. Keep all power strips and surge protectors uncovered so that air around it may circulate freely.
  9. If a power strip is hot to the touch, unplug and remove it immediately.
  10. Check power strips and surge protectors regularly to ensure they are not damaged.

Surge protectors protect you and your electronics: While power strips and surge protectors often look similar and have common functionality, surge protectors offer a greater level of safety, both for you and the devices you connect to it. Their built-in systems help prevent power surges from damaging connected devices, making them great for electronics sensitive to changes in power levels, such as TVs and computers. This makes surge protectors a bit more expensive than power strips, which don’t offer that protection. When you’re selecting which device to purchase, surge protectors will label themselves as such on their packaging, or by mentioning features like surge protection or surge suppression.

Advanced power strips protect your devices and help you save energy. An advanced power strip (APS) not only works like a surge protector, but it also helps you save energy you might not even realize you’re using. An APS reduces “phantom load,” the electricity a plugged-in device uses even when switched off. With an APS, you choose one device to serve as the “control,” such as your TV. That way, when you turn off your TV, other electronics plugged into the APS that you use with your TV – your sound system, media players, etc. – are automatically shut off completely without the need to unplug them or switch off the power strip to prevent phantom load.

Setting fires

This includes intentional or accidental fire, even those caused by cooking, fireplace use, or smoking anywhere inside a building.

Setting off fire alarms

This includes intentional or accidental fire alarms.

Failing to evacuate

When a fire alarm sounds, all occupants must evacuate the building promptly. Failure to evacuate puts not only the student at risk, but also first responders. Failure to evacuate could result in a student being referred to the Director of Campus Safety for an administrative resolution.

Tampering with or misusing fire protection or other life safety equipment

This includes, but is not limited to: fire extinguishers, FIRE ALARM boxes, fire hoses, emergency exit lights, fire doors and related closures, alarms, sprinkler head obstructions, and smoke, carbon monoxide, and heat detectors.

Possessing and/or using flammable materials

This includes, but is not limited to: gasoline, lamp oil, camp-stove fuel, fireworks, AC-powered holiday lights (battery-operated holiday lights are permitted), paint thinners, candles, wax melt, and incense. This does not include scented oil diffusers.

Tampering with wiring

This includes, but is not limited to: electrical equipment, cable TV, computer wiring, or overloading electrical outlets. Only UL approved, surge-protected extension cords are allowed.

Causing or contributing to a fire safety hazard

This includes, but is not limited to: obstructing exits, stairwells, hallways (bicycles are not allowed inside buildings), or passageways; storing an excessive amount of waste paper or other waste; having halogen lamps or heat lamps; having ceiling hangings (they may spread fire and smoke more rapidly); covering more than 50 percent of the wall space in an assigned room; or having personal belongings in any College common space.

Roofs/Other exterior structures

Bennington College strictly prohibits anyone from climbing on any College building, tree, or structure. Roofs, Tunnels, Electrical Panels, Storage Closets and Housekeeping Closets, Pumping Station are the areas on campus which are for authorized and trained personnel only. Entering these areas is prohibited and is of great risk to life safety. If a student is found to have accessed or climbed an area which is prohibited Campus Safety will be contacted to document the incident in a report. Prohibited areas may also include, but are not limited to exterior building walls, roofs, other structures on campus. Bennington College assumes no financial or legal responsibility for injury due to such prohibited acts. In addition, any student who allows another individual to access the roof or exterior of a building from the occupant’s assigned room is in violation of this policy. 


Bennington College prohibits pools and or any structure used to collect water.

Weapons, Look Alike Weapons, Ammunition

The College strictly prohibits on College property, at College sponsored events, and in College vehicles, guns, paintball guns, bb guns, ammunition of any kind, swords, daggers, and knives as follows:

  • switchblades.
  • axes, hatchets, except those used by Buildings and Grounds staff in the course of their job duties.
  • throwing knives.
  • folding knives with more than one cutting edge.
  • folding knives with an overall length of more than 28 cm (11 in) when deployed.
  • butterfly knives.
  • gravity knives.
  • disguised knives (belt knife, sword cane, etc.) and push daggers.

Additionally, the College prohibits look alike weapons except those controlled and utilized in theater productions. If a student is in need of transporting a look alike weapon across campus for a theater production, Campus Safety must be contacted for an escort at the time of transport.


Smoking is prohibited inside any building and is limited to designated exterior areas on campus. See the College’s Smoking Policy.

Fireplace use

To use a house fireplace students must inform their house chair and contact Campus Safety in advance of starting the fire. When calling Campus Safety the dispatcher will review the safety checklist with the caller. Fire screens must always be in place when using any fireplace.


  • Students must email the Director of Campus Safety their request to have a bonfire no less than 10 days in advance of the event. 
  • The Director of Campus Safety must apply for a “burn permit” from the local fire department. The granting of a burn permit is at the discretion of the fire department and Director of Campus Safety based on safety and environmental conditions.
  • At least 2 of the participants attending the bonfire must have successfully attended a Campus Safety fire safety seminar prior to the requested bonfire. These seminars are offered monthly throughout the year and students who attend will receive an email certificate documenting their participation. 
  • Firewood will be provided by Campus Safety. No other wood or materials may be burned. If it is found additional wood or materials are burned the fire will be extinguished immediately and all participants will be directed to disband.
  • Campus Safety will check the bonfire is completely extinguished by the participants by midnight. Failure to do so could result in denial of future bonfire requests.
  • No alcohol possession or consumption is allowed at bonfires.
  • No glass containers are allowed at the bonfire site.

Unapproved bonfires may result in restoration costs to return the site to its original and natural state.


Students may check out, with collateral, a portable, campfire pit from Campus Safety. Students are required to sign a release form and participate in a brief orientation of how to use the campfire pit. Students will be provided with a premade log (ie: Duraflame) to use. Students should not supplement the fire with other wood or materials. The campfire pit may be checked out for up to 24 hours and must be returned to the Campus Safety office at the end of the 24 hours. Students may be charged $100 for the replacement of any campfire pit not returned within the 24 hour window.

Unapproved campfires may result in restoration costs to return the site to its original and natural state.

Fire Safety Violations

Tier 1 – Prohibited item(s); the fine remains dormant contingent upon no further fire safety violations for the current academic year. Any fire safety sanction within the same academic year by individual or same residential shared room, both sanctions will be applied. The following infractions are included in this tier: smoking in a building or smoking within 30 feet of a door or window; possessing prohibited items and or appliances in residential rooms including but not limited to the following; lit and unlit candles; incense; heat lamps; hot pots; coffee pots; air conditioners; toasters; toaster ovens; gas stoves; burners, camping stoves; halogen lamps; any appliance, whether listed here or not, that exceeds 1,000 watts; also prohibited is any appliance that is not specifically approved by Underwriters Laboratory (UL), is in poor working condition, is not properly wired or lacks an appropriate cord, or is deemed inappropriate by the Director of Campus Safety; failing to evacuate when a fire alarm is activated; possessing or using flammable materials. These are flat-rate fines of $200 for a violation (not per item).

Tier 2 – Immediate imposed sanction due to severity and unsafe nature of the violation. This would include but may not be limited to the following: tampering with fire suppression equipment and devices such as: smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, fire alarm panels, fire alarm pull stations; starting fires intentionally; activating the fire alarm system intentionally and without probable cause; unapproved fires of any origin including bonfires, campfires, grill fires; any other fire code violation not listed here the college deems severe in nature. These fines are $500.

Kitchens and Cooking

The College provides kitchens in each of the College houses for student use. Students are expected to take responsibility for their use of the kitchens, food, or other personal belongings. Students who use the kitchens are responsible for appropriate use, cleaning up, and for disposal of food and trash. Report any problems or concerns with equipment to Buildings and Grounds. Concerns related to cleanliness or use of the kitchens should be raised with house members during Coffee Hour. The kitchens in the College houses are not meant to replace the dining halls, but are provided for student enjoyment and convenience. Cooking is not allowed in any other space in the College houses. Electricity Safety. Each College house is adequately equipped to handle the normal volume of electricity demanded by the student body. However, to prevent electrical overload and to avoid the hazards that arise from such an overload, some appliances are permitted while others are not.

Permitted Appliances

Appliances permitted include computers, computer equipment, stereos, TVs, VCRs, DVD players, clock radios, hair dryers (not exceeding 1,000 watts), small fans, refrigerators less than 3 cubic feet, and lamps with incandescent bulbs of 60 watts or less.

Prohibited Appliances

Appliances prohibited include air conditioners, any appliance with an exposed heating element, hot plates, toasters, toaster ovens, gas stoves or burners, camping stoves, halogen lamps, and any appliance, whether listed here or not, that exceeds 1,000 watts.

Also prohibited is any appliance that is not specifically approved by Underwriters Laboratory (UL), is in poor working condition, is not properly wired or lacks an appropriate cord, or is deemed inappropriate by the Director of Campus Safety or Facilities Management. Such appliances must be removed from College spaces. When in doubt as to whether or not an appliance is allowed on campus, students should ask the Director of Campus Safety or Director of Facilities Management for clarification.


Other Policies

Smoking Policy

In compliance with Vermont law, all indoor areas at Bennington College are smoke free. The areas within 30 feet of entryways, exits, windows, and balconies of all buildings are also designated non-smoking areas. Smoking is not allowed in any Bennington College vehicle or within 30 feet of any College vehicle. In respect for those who have health conditions or personal commitments to living smoke free, Campus Safety in partnership with Residence Life will respond to anonymous calls regarding smoking indoors. Smoking includes cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, hookahs, tobacco substitutes such as e-cigarettes and vaping devices, and any other devices which convey nicotine and other substances. Any suspected violations of smoking indoors  will be documented and investigated by Campus Safety and the student involved referred as appropriate by the Director of Campus Safety.

Guest Policy

Day and overnight guests are allowed in student houses, but are limited to 6 days per month. Students may host up to 2 students at a time. All students must register their guest(s) with Campus Safety at the time of the guest’s arrival. The student must bring the guest to the Campus Safety Office so both may complete guest registration. 

The guest is required to provide the following:

  • Photo identification (which will be scanned)
  • Contact information (phone number and email address)
  • Vehicle information (if applicable)
  • Location of current residence

The guest must also sign a guest responsibility agreement. The host student will be required to sign an agreement to accompany their guest at all times and to accept responsibility for their guest’s conduct. At the conclusion of the stay the guest must check out with the Campus Safety office. This allows Campus Safety to update the guest roster in case of emergency on campus.

Pet/Animal Policy

The College has established strict policies regarding the presence of pets and animals on campus. With the exception of small fish in a 10 gallon tank or less, service animals, and approved emotional support animals (ESAs), the College prohibits any student from bringing or keeping pets or animals of any kind in student residences or any administrative, service, or academic building. Students who need to request an accommodation for an ESA in campus housing should should refer to the section in the student handbook for Accommodations and Support. When individuals are found in alleged violation of the pet policy the situation will be documented and referred to the student conduct process, and will be given 48 hours to remove the animal from campus. It is the responsibility of the individual to provide proof to the Director of Residence Life or their designee, that the pet has been removed; Campus Safety and Residence Life will also re-inspect the room to ensure compliance. If the animal has not been removed within 48 hours, the information will be added to the incident report. The Office of Campus Safety in partnership with Residence Life will arrange (with or without notice) to remove from the campus animals that are in violation of policy. Should external assistance be used to remove an animal, the owner will be responsible for any cost incurred. Any damage or repairs arising from animals being brought onto or kept on campus by students will be charged to the student.

Animals of unknown ownership roaming loose on the campus will be taken to the local animal shelter. Dogs temporarily brought onto the campus by residents, employees, or visitors must be in the full control of their owner or other custodian. All dogs are to be on a leash at all times. Under no circumstances are dogs allowed to run loose or to be tied to buildings, handrails, trees, bicycle racks, or other objects. Concerns for animal well being should be brought to the attention of Campus Safety.

Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Policy

Bennington College recognizes the importance of service animals, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA), and the broader category of “assistance animals,” which includes emotional support animals under the Fair Housing Act. Service animals and emotional support animals (ESAs) provide physical and/or emotional support to individuals with disabilities. 

The College allows individuals with disabilities the use of a service animal on campus to facilitate their access to, and participation in, the College’s programs and activities. The College also permits emotional support animals (ESAs) for students who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major activities. An ESA is prescribed by a  mental health professional and an integral part of a student’s treatment. The ESA must demonstrate excellent temperament and reliable, predictable behavior. 

The following policy explains the specific requirements applicable to an individual’s use of an ESA in college housing. Bennington College reserves the right to amend this policy as circumstances require. This policy does not apply to “Service Animals” as defined by the ADAAA.

Students wishing to have an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) must complete an accommodation request. ESAs are not permitted on campus until the accommodation request has been made and acted upon, which may take up to 90 days to complete. Owners of service animals or emotional support animals are responsible for cleanup and any damage caused by their animals, and must take appropriate precautions to prevent property damage or injury. The care, supervision, and well-being of a service/emotional support animal are the sole responsibility of the owner at all times. Students found with unauthorized animals in the houses or classroom or failure to clean up will be subject to the student conduct process.

A request for an ESA may be denied as unreasonable if the presence of the animal: 1) imposes an undue financial and/or administrative burden; 2) fundamentally alters College housing policies; and/or 3) poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others or would cause substantial property damage to the property of others, including College property. 

Please note that:

  • Bennington College may approve your request to have an ESA, but not approve the specific animal you were hoping to bring. For example, most reptiles and rodents may be rejected because of safety and health concerns, as they can carry zoonotic diseases which pose a threat to the general welfare of residents in the communal living environment. 
  • ESAs are restricted to the student’s immediate living space. They are not allowed in academic spaces or common areas in the house or apartment as others may have allergies. Moreover, the ESA must be contained (caged or crated) any time the student is not in the room.
  • The ESA may not be left in the care of other residents. If the student leaves campus overnight or at the end of term, the ESA must be taken along.
  • Students bringing ESAs to campus are fully responsible for the animal’s behavior, and for any damage done. If the ESA is disruptive to the living environment for others (for example, barking or other loud noises, or significant odor from litter boxes or cages), or if there is damage done to housing facilities, the ESA will need to be removed from the premises within 48 hours of notice being given. The student will be responsible for paying for property damage.
  • Generally, the presence of only one ESA will be approved for a student, in order to fulfill the intent of the Fair Housing Act (FHA) requirements in providing support to a student with a mental health disability.

Guidelines and Requirements for ESA

An ESA must be contained within the Owner’s privately assigned living accommodations except to the extent the individual is taking the animal out for natural relief. When an ESA is outside the owner’s assigned living accommodations, it must be in an animal carrier or controlled by a leash or harness. ESAs are not allowed in any College facilities other than the College housing to which the owner is assigned. No owner shall permit the animal to go loose or run at large. If an animal is found running at large, the animal is subject to capture and confinement and immediate removal from College housing.

Owner’s Responsibilities for Emotional Support Animal (ESA)

An exception to the College animal and pet policy is granted for approved animals provided that their behavior, noise, odor, and waste do not exceed reasonable standards for a well-behaved animal and that these factors do not create an unreasonable living environment or frequent disruptions for other residents. If the noise (crying, barking or meowing, especially when the student isn’t around) is excessive, as judged by residence life staff, it is grounds to rescind permission for the specific ESA to be in campus housing. The following factors (among others) are used as evidence in determining whether the presence of the animal is reasonable, or in the making of housing assignments for students with ESAs:

  • The size of the animal is too large for available assigned housing space; 
  • The animal's presence would force another individual from individual housing (e.g. serious allergies); 
  • The animal's presence otherwise violates individuals' right to peace and quiet enjoyment; 
  • The animal is not housebroken or is unable to live with others in a reasonable manner; 
  • The animal's vaccinations are not up-to-date;
  • The animal poses or has posed in the past a direct threat to the individual or others, such as aggressive behavior towards or injuring the individual or others, or the potential of transmission of zoonotic diseases; 
  • The animal causes or has caused excessive damage to housing beyond reasonable wear and tear.

Terms and Conditions for Emotional Support Animals (ESA) at Bennington College

Once a student has registered with the Office of Student Life and has been approved to have an ESA as an accommodation in the residence hall, the following additional requirements must be met:

  • Students must register their approved animal with the Office of Student Life by providing all necessary paperwork.
  • Students must abide by current town, county, and state ordinances, laws, and/or regulations pertaining to licensing, vaccination, and other requirements for animals. It is your responsibility to know and understand these ordinances, laws, and regulations. The College has the right to require documentation of compliance with such ordinances, laws, and/or regulations, which may include a vaccination certificate. The College must have a copy of the ESA Registration form and all relevant documentation on file prior to bringing an ESA to campus.

Students are solely responsible for properly containing and disposing of all animal waste in appropriate outside trash dumpsters. Litter boxes should always be placed on mats, so that feces and urine are not tracked onto carpeted surfaces. While it is preferable that litter boxes are placed on a tiled or vinyl bathroom floor, this may not always be possible, due to structural limitations within certain residence areas; nevertheless, precautionary measures will still be expected, in order to maintain a standard level of cleanliness within the student's living space.

  • Students will not bathe and/or groom the ESA, or clean its cage/crate, or bedding using residence hall facilities (bathrooms, showers, dorm rooms or suite facilities).
  • Students are required to ensure that the animal is well cared for at all times. Any evidence of mistreatment or abuse may result in immediate removal of the assistance animal and/or discipline for the responsible individual.

Students are not required to pay a fee or surcharge for an approved assistance ESA; however, a student may be charged for any damage caused by their animal beyond reasonable wear and tear to the same extent that other individuals are charged for damages beyond wear and tear. 

Student’s living accommodations may be inspected for fleas, ticks, or other pests if necessary as part of the College’s standard or routine inspections. If fleas, ticks or other pests are detected through inspection, the residence will be treated using approved fumigation methods by a College-approved pest control service. As the owner of the animal, the student will be billed for the expense of any pest treatment above and beyond standard pest management in the residence halls. The College has the right to bill a student’s account for unmet obligations under this provision. 

  • Students are solely responsible for assuring that the animal does not unduly interfere with the routine activities of the residence or cause difficulties for students who reside there. Sensitivity to residents with allergies and to those who fear animals is important to ensure the well-being of the residential community.
  • Emotional Support Animals may not be left overnight in Campus Housing to be cared for by any individual other than the student. If the student is to be absent from their residence hall overnight or longer, the animal must accompany him/her. Students are responsible for ensuring that the ESA is contained, as appropriate, when they are not present during the day while attending classes or other activities.
  • In the case of an emergency, in which the ESA must be cared for unexpectedly, the student will name someone, other than another resident, as the emergency contact.
  • Emotional Support Animals are only permitted in the owner’s assigned residential room and outdoor areas. When transported outside the assigned residential room, the animal must be in an animal carrier or controlled by a leash or harness at all times.
  • The ESA is allowed in College housing only as long as it is necessary because of a disability. Students must notify the Office of Student Life in writing if the ESA is no longer needed or is no longer in residence. To replace an ESA, the new animal must be necessary because of a student’s disability and they must submit a new Disability Accommodation Request form when requesting a different animal.
  • An approval for an Emotional Support Animal is valid only for the academic year in which it has been approved. As with all housing accommodations, this accommodation will be reviewed annually.
  • College personnel shall not be required to provide care or food for any assistance animal including, but not limited to, removing the animal during emergency evacuation for events such as a fire drill, fire alarm or natural disaster. Emergency personnel will determine whether to remove the animal and may not be held responsible for the care, damage to, or loss of the animal. 
  • Students must fully cooperate with College personnel with regard to meeting the terms of this agreement and developing procedures for the care of the ESA (e.g., cleaning the animal, feeding/watering the animal, designating an outdoor relief area, disposing of feces, etc.).
  • Student must provide written consent (see Acknowledgement and Release of Information Consent Statement on Agreement Form) for the College to disclose information regarding the request for and presence of the ESA to those individuals who may be affected by the presence of the animal including, but not limited to, student life personnel and potential and/or actual roommate(s)/neighbor(s). Such information shall be limited to information related to the animal and shall not include information related to your disability.

Should the ESA be removed from the premises for any reason, the student is expected to fulfill their housing obligations for the remainder of the housing contract.

Office of Student Life staff  have the authority to relocate a student and the support animal as necessary if circumstances are contrary to the terms of this contract and/or other College policies. 

Any violation of the above stipulations may result in immediate removal of the animal from Bennington College. If this occurs, the student has a right to appeal the decision through the Vice President and Dean of Students.


Soliciting is not allowed in College houses.

Motor Vehicle Regulations

All vehicle and traffic laws promulgated by the state of Vermont are effective on the Bennington College campus. Vehicles in operation must be licensed, registered, insured, equipped, and otherwise legal to operate in the state of Vermont.

All motor vehicle accidents that occur on campus must be reported promptly to Campus Safety. Motorists are reminded that leaving the scene of an accident or failure by a motorist to file a Report of a Motor Vehicle Accident is a violation of Vermont law.

In addition to state law, the College also has campus-wide motor vehicle rules and regulations, which are enforced by Campus Safety. Anyone who violates a College motor vehicle rule or regulation may be prohibited from driving on campus. The College also may ban a specific vehicle from campus

Motor Vehicle Rules and Regulations, and Parking Permits

  1. All motor vehicles operated and/or parked on the College campus must be registered with Campus Safety and must comply with the Parking Rules and Regulations, available at the Office of Campus Safety.
  2. A parking sticker is provided at a cost of $140 per academic year upon presentation of a valid driver’s license, state registration, proof of insurance, and a completed application. Residents of Welling Town House, Paran Creek, and Long Meadow are not subject to the $140 fee but must still register all vehicles with Campus Safety.
  3. Vehicles must also have a valid inspection sticker.
  4. Parking stickers do not guarantee the availability of a parking space in every lot at all times.
  5. All campus roads are fire lanes, which must be kept clear at all times. Cars parked in fire lanes are subject to ticketing and/or towing.
  6. Unregistered (no current College parking decal) vehicles will be ticketed; repeat offenders may have their cars towed at their expense.
  7. Vehicles must be parked only in areas to which they are assigned.
  8. Drivers responsible for multiple violations totaling $250 or more in the current academic year will be subject to disciplinary referral.
  9. Parking ticket appeals should be addressed to the Director of Campus Safety and must be made in writing within 5 days of the date of the ticket.

Speed Limits

No vehicle shall be operated at a speed above the posted speed limit. Violators may be subject to suspension of driving and parking privileges.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving, as determined at the discretion of Campus Safety, is prohibited. Examples of reckless driving include, but are not limited to: being or appearing under the influence of alcohol or drugs, driving at an excessive rate of speed (per posted speed limits or for campus conditions), failure to yield to pedestrians, and driving across lawns. Violators may be subject to suspension of driving and parking privileges, and local authorities may be notified.

Campus Shuttle Information

Campus Shuttles are available during the school year, transporting students into the Bennington Community on a regular schedule. The shuttle makes stops at local businesses and at the Bennington Bus terminal on Fridays and Saturdays.

Additionally there is a shuttle for students living in the Paran Creek apartments or at Welling Town House. This shuttle transports students from those areas to campus. A complete shuttle schedule with times and locations will be available at the start of each term. The schedule may change each term according to student needs and availability of drivers.

Shuttles to and from the airport and train station in Albany to Bennington College at the beginning and end of each term and for Long Weekends are provided by Green Mountain Express, and organized by Student Life. Students are expected to pay in advance for this service. The payments are not refundable.