Sean Gordon's Senior Show: Celebration

Monday, May 22 2017, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Deane Carriage Barn, Pit
Monday, May 22 2017 8:00 PM Monday, May 22 2017 9:00 PM America/New_York Sean Gordon's Senior Show: Celebration OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Sean Gordon's senior show will be a celebration of traditional West African music and dance, and of his time as a Bennington student through his original compositions for trumpet and piano. Come experience music from the birthplace of life! Deane Carriage Barn, Pit Bennington College

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Come to Sean Gordon's senior show to join in a celebration of music from the birthplace of life! Together with Michael Wimberly (balafon, dununba, and djembe) and Liam Quinn (djembe), the trio will play traditional rhythms from West Africa as a djembe orchestra with Sean on djembe and dununba drums. Traditional dance will be provided by special guest Souleymane Badolo! Sean's original works will also be played, featuring the piano talents of Allen Shawn, and Sean on trumpet, and will look at times to how we as musicians may work to bring together the joys of these separate cultural worlds.