Kaitlyn Greenidge and Kathleen Graber

Graber and Greenidge
Friday, Jan 6 2017, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Tishman Lecture Hall

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Janet Maslin praised Kaitlyn's Greenidge's debut novel, "We Love You, Charlie Freeman" as a "terrifically auspicious debut novel" in a New York Times review. Greenidge received her MFA from Hunter College. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Elle.com, the Believer, Virginia Quarterly Review, the Feminist Wire, At Length, and American Short Fiction. She is a contributing writer to Lenny Letter. Originally from Boston, she now lives in Brooklyn.

Kathleen Graber has earned many awards for her work including the Rona Jaffe Award, the Amy Lowell Traveling award, a National Endowment for the Arts award, and the Guggenheim award. She is a Hodder Fellow of Princeton University, a National Book Award finalist and a National Book Critics Circle finalist. Graber was raised in Wildwood, New Jersey where she still owns a home. She studied under poet Stephen Dunn and went on to earn her BA in philosophy from New York University. She quit teaching middle school English to afford herself the ability to enroll in an MFA program and pursue a career in poetry. Kathleen said of the experience, "Most poets live humble lives, I think, and maybe that is by temperament or design, or maybe it is just a necessity."