Drug Free Communities Celebration

Wednesday, Nov 2 2016, 8:20 AM - 1:00 PM, CAPA Symposium

The Alliance for Community Transformations, a community organization directed by Rep. Kiah Morris focused on reducing substance abuse and empowering youth in Bennington, is having its annual retreat this Wednesday, November 2 from 8:30 am-1:00 pm in the CAPA Symposium and invites any interested Bennington students to attend! Joining will be special guest speaker Vermont Supreme Court Chief Justice Paul Reiber to talk about Drug Courts in Vermont. You'll also get the chance to hear about local successes achieved through the Drug Free Communities Grant Program, data on local youth drug use, community attitudes on drug use, as well as regional responses to the opiate crisis. Following the presentations, find out how you can be directly involved in this important work. You do not have to stay for the entire retreat to attend. Email acts@bennington.edu to RSVP.